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Everything posted by babs609

  1. Leanna is on Facebook and has taken my title of selfie queen with her and her new svelte self. Lol
  2. Well done!
  3. Great job Karen!!!
  4. Hahahahahahahaha!!! This cracked me up!!! You're the best bakon!!!
  5. babs609


    Hi Karl!! So happy to hear from you. Never doubted for a second that you wouldn't keep your quit. Awesome!!
  6. Burn baby burn!! 28,885!! For our Beth...aka..queen Greenlover....she certainly earned that title She would be thrilled with this thread our very own Miss crabby butt :wub:
  7. everything is temporary good and bad so...enjoy when it's good also...cause it's temporary good days...good moments...bad days..bad moments... all temporary enjoy a smoke free, healthy life....because your body is your temple...and during those temporary moments...live your life to the fullest..to feel and be the best you can. Enjoy the benefits of good health...quit smoking now.
  8. Do it for Beth. She's watching with you
  9. this will pass! don't do it. Urge to smoke passes when you are a non smoker...but smokers have this urge every 20 minutes. It's a never ending cycle. YOU are breaking that cycle by NOT smoking that one little puff. It's that simple. hang in there!!
  10. Beth and I butted heads so much on the start of my quit journey. Anyone who was witness to this either found it painful...or highly entertaining. What most people did not see were the countless messages going back and forth for over a year that brought us to an unusual but cool bond. Beth was genuine...a loving heart who would literally give someone the shirt off her back. Loved her no nonsense approach...her sense of humor...her loving heart. Gonna miss you so much miss rolly eyes!!
  11. I can't believe this....not our beth.
  12. so..................where's the pic?
  13. I said it on facebook but want it on record here.......haha Happy birthday Evelyn!!
  14. babs609

    chicks or sticks

    good morning QT'ers!! -6
  15. the clapper Without using an a... name a yellow fruit
  16. welcome back! Let's do this! one last time....NOPE!
  17. Welcome karenlou!! Glad you were able to log in. Congrats on your quit!! Best decision of your life
  18. well done Doreen!
  19. babs609


    Congrats!!! So happy for you!
  20. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  21. we are all 1 puff away from a pack or more a day.....that's the reality of it. NOPE!! Sorry about your aunt Tracey!
  22. smoke free and happy!

  23. I don't have a treadmill and I quit the gym (not my morning gym..but the one I used as a supplement lol) so...I have to wait till there's no ice on the road to resume running outside :( Miss running!
  24. Yay RC!!!! Great job!!! So proud of you and happy to know you here! You're awesome! 1 year of freedom....onward to the rest of your life!! xo

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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