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Everything posted by babs609

  1. Besides the obvious gifts...love, family, health, benefits of quitting smoking...we already know you are grateful for those things that money can't buy. This topic is about a gift that was so well thought out and a complete surprise to you that you received on Christmas day. Yes..I am referring to a gift money DOES buy but it didn't really have to cost a lot to be your most favorite gift. My dad surprised me with tickets to go with him on a cruise with my sisters and our spouses in 1998. It was a trip that I will never forget and a complete surprise to us all. He is passed on now so that's what makes it ever more special. I hope to do the same for my kids too.
  2. Tiffany is still smoke free. I speak to her. She doesn't feel at this time that being here is in her best interest but she is smoke free and that is what is most important. She also thanks the Quit Train for all the support from you wonderful members.
  3. I used them for a while. They are nice. Now I'm into using my diffuser with essential oils lately. Love it
  4. Awwwwww. Loved reading this thread.
  5. great reading you again Deltawings!! Happy to know you are still quit and enjoying life! Keep in touch!
  6. He kicks my ass in words with friends
  7. great job Sharon! Why do cocktails have to count? I am not a big drinker by any means...but I do like my glass of wine here and there. Seems whenever I add the here and there, I gain. ugghhhh
  8. Dammit Tiffany! When will you finally realizing that the damn addiction is talking and controlling you?? Torturing you. It breaks my heart to see you suffering so. You are smart. You are compassionate. You are a very giving person. You are a loyal friend. You can still be ALL of these things while being a non smoker. Please never quit the quit and come back asap! We are here for you and will be here for you for as long as it takes!! Just like Greenlover finally flipped the switch...I believe so will you
  9. the time to quit is always NOW
  10. Jimmy--a really snazzy cool bus with Wifi and Sirius radio Tiffany--an animal sanctuary Nicole Driver-a years supply of unlimited bath and body works Jenny-a bus trip to atlantic city to hang out with me for a day
  11. you are definitely the perfect fit!
  12. babs609


    Sending prayers tiff
  13. Most of the time I don't think much of anything when I see them smoking Then there are other times when I look at them and feel sorry for them and thankful that I no longer have to be a slave to that addiction especially when the weatheris bad or when I see them having to look on their face of guilt I feel disgusted when I see someone in a car throwing a lit cigarette out the window or when I see someone littering on the beach yes I am judging them but it is disgusting When I was watching the show 'this is us' last night I noticed the 70s early 80s when people still smoked all over the place couldn't help but notice it. It's what helps date the show But most of the time I don't think anything which is such a relief
  14. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  15. thinking of you Evelyn! We miss our NOPE queen!
  16. Happy Birthday Uber!
  17. Crush....I don't mean to disregard your feelings....believe me...but we have all been there. Each and every one of us. But the truth is, the longer you linger in this place....the stronger the addiction gets and the weaker your resolve is to beat it. No sense in beating yourself up....it's a waste of time. We could all beat ourselves up for smoking as long as we did. But we can't change what's done...only move forward.
  18. Hi Crush! Congrats on your quit journey so far! As Doreen said....best thing you can do is educate yourself and learn all about the lies the addiction tries to make us believe. Eventually....if you continue to smoke 1 of 2 things will happen: 1. You will go back to 20 a day or more 2. you will continue to smoke 2-3 a day and be miserable about it...and also continue to be a slave to the addiction. Then....when something bad happens in your life...which is LIFE and it happens to all of us...you will turn to your trusty "friend" who has always "been there for you". Eventually, #1 will happen.....It's the laws of addiction..nobody is the exception So my advice is...read, watch the videos and set a date! So far so good but set that date and be done with it. Best gift you can give yourself
  19. babs609


    right now I'm wearing flats from payless that cost 12 bucks I do pay up to 80 bucks for a good pair of sneakers
  20. I second everything Tiffany said! except the part about wanting a cigarette and that will soon be both of you....once the brainwashing is fully eradicated from your brains...keep marching!! it gets better and better! I promise!
  21. babs609

    chicks or sticks

    9 good morning everyone~!
  22. Why do tourists go to the top of tall buildings and put money in a telescope so they can see things on the ground close-up?

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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