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Everything posted by babs609

  1. cappuccino without using and "I", name an ocean
  2. naive
  3. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  4. If it weren't for Negan...I would have quit watching
  5. Happy Monday everyone
  6. the slavery to the cigarette...you got rid of it the second you put out your last one. It can't control you anymore. You went a whole week and you didn't die. That's the positive. :) :P
  7. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  8. Love to have you Edna!
  9. Great Job Rob!!! Keep at it. One day at a time...NOPE!!! On to week 2!!
  10. Well done Carsmummy!! Here's one of the many gifts you have given yourself.....and still more to come!
  11. Happy 3 months quit Grace!! You wear it well!! Here's a gift this Monday Morning
  12. Great Job Feely!! Fist week is the hardest week....yes, you will have horrible moments and those moments will feel just as strong as in the first week at times but if you don't give into them you will see they don't last and NEVER will you go through that "every 20 seconds I think about a cigarette" feeling as the first week. It just gets less frequent and then suddenly one day you realize HOURS went by and you didn't even think about smoking...or not smoking...it's a great feeling! Feely is feelin' it!
  13. Well I am sure they read this....clears it up just fine
  14. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  15. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  16. Mouth With using an E...name a breed of dog
  17. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  18. Stay strong Feely! You've got this!
  19. It's all good Edna. Just still glad you were able to celebrate your milestone with people who understand the journey and had a few quit buddies along too. I remember my first year and how excited I was to celebrate with those who struggled along with and supported me. Definitely get it. Please don't feel bad.
  20. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  21. I'm walking on sunshine (Katrina and the waves) What's on your mind?
  22. Almost 5 years later and everyday still grateful I don't need a fix

    1. Runfree


      Wow, that's a milestone that causes one to pause. Congrats Babs! You've also utilized the extra time wisely!

  23. Well if that ain't a kick in the........ Ouch! All good though Edna. All good. KTQ

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