I would have to say my smoking career started young. I have been exposed to nicotine all my life. Beginning in the womb, to exposure in the house with 2 smoking parents and then in my teens when I officially became a smoker. My father quit at the age of 45 and developed lung cancer at the age of 60. He died within a month of diagnosis from complications. In retrospect, that was a blessing because he didn't have to go through with the suffering of dying from the cancer itself which was inevitable. It was inoperable and he was at stage 4.
I promised him I would quit smoking. I read Allen Carr's book and quit for 3 months. Unfortunately, the strength I had in the beginning of the quit was weakening and I had that 1 puff. If I had support like this forum, I would not have gone back. I would have truly understood the laws of addiction and the concept of NOPE. Fast forward 8 years....read that book again and this time found an online support forum.
Support means everything and I am proud to say I am 21 months smober!! Quitting is easy.....staying quit is the challenge--however having a support system to go to and daily reminders of NOPE...made my quit journey not only doable...but enjoyable.
If I can do it...anyone can!