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Everything posted by babs609

  1. Hi Marti! Glad you and all your emotions are here! Welcome. :)
  2. Wolfie is in the house!!
  3. Great post Al! Thanks Again for this site. Where getting and giving support is the ultimate goal. Love it! :wub:
  4. Hi lace!! So glad you are Here. Love your attitude and spunk. Congrats on your beautiful quit! You are doing amazing. Woot woot!!
  5. Hi Rez!!!! :)
  6. Bonnie!!! You are such an amazing support and I'm so happy you are here!
  7. Congratulations Colleen. 10 months is amazing and so are you!! Great job!
  8. Yay Bonnie!! So happy you are here and proud of you on 13 months. You rock!
  9. I would have to say my smoking career started young. I have been exposed to nicotine all my life. Beginning in the womb, to exposure in the house with 2 smoking parents and then in my teens when I officially became a smoker. My father quit at the age of 45 and developed lung cancer at the age of 60. He died within a month of diagnosis from complications. In retrospect, that was a blessing because he didn't have to go through with the suffering of dying from the cancer itself which was inevitable. It was inoperable and he was at stage 4. I promised him I would quit smoking. I read Allen Carr's book and quit for 3 months. Unfortunately, the strength I had in the beginning of the quit was weakening and I had that 1 puff. If I had support like this forum, I would not have gone back. I would have truly understood the laws of addiction and the concept of NOPE. Fast forward 8 years....read that book again and this time found an online support forum. Support means everything and I am proud to say I am 21 months smober!! Quitting is easy.....staying quit is the challenge--however having a support system to go to and daily reminders of NOPE...made my quit journey not only doable...but enjoyable. If I can do it...anyone can!
  10. so happy to have you here Ross!!!! Welcome!!
  11. So happy to have you here Bandito!!! :)
  12. Welcome PiP!! So happy to see you here! :) Tracey is stealing smiley's again? I have spoken to her about that before...haha here's one for you--- :)
  13. I will NOT smoke today! ;)
  14. I LOVE smiley faces too Tracey! ;) welcome!!!!! :D
  15. i remember that feeling well. Shame and embarrassment and oh so stinky! Welcome to the board Sue! :)
  16. Hi Tiffany, Sue, and El Bandito! Welcome! :)
  17. (((((((((((((((((((((((((Ava))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  18. that's the book that made it click for me juan! You can do this buddy!!
  19. Love them all!! especially Johnny Depp! Hubba Hubba :wub:
  20. LISA!! So good to see you. Your quit journey is amazing! Glad you are here to share with us
  21. Welcome to the board juan! As album said..make this your last quit. You can do it!
  22. Well I quit my running months ago and now I'm starting again. I'm a fair weather runner. Fair weather everything actually...it's really a struggle to get exercise in when its cold and gets dark early. . .Soooo thankful Spring is here. Woot woot!! Day 1. Couch to 5k. We'll see how it goes.
  23. I don't have all the answers to life's problems. I DO know that smoking isn't one of them. :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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