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Everything posted by babs609

  1. 3 months is fantastic Bassman!
  2. That's how it's done Evelyn. One day at a time, One hour at a time...some times, 1 minute at a time. Cause if you can get through 1 craving, you can get through thousands more! Great job!!
  3. Great pic Soozie!! You will get back there.....I am sure of it!
  4. WOW!! 2 Months already!! That's fantastic Bug! Here's your celebratory cake!
  5. 1 Year is a Fantastic Milestone! You did good Jeni!
  6. Welcome the board rachael!!! So young! I wish I quit at your age. Never go back!
  7. virtual cookies have no calories!! not that I can be bribed...but I really love banana pudding with lady fingers yummy!
  8. Paying it forward is the best way to do it!! Great Post Julie......Happy to have you here!
  9. This place is comfy cozy...they feel safe here I guess :)
  10. welcome Comrade! Good to see ya!
  11. I went for a 3 mile brisk walk. Better than nothing
  12. Meditation. Accept the people I cannot change Courage to change the one we can Wisdom to know its me. I say that over and over sometimes. We were smokers and I think there's a level of codependent tendencies in many smokers that doesn't disappear when we stop smoking Same as when someone stops drinking. You can't just stop. Behavioral changes must take place and in order to do that....change the way you think. Who says your way is the right way? (Not saying that to you personally beacon...it's words I say to myself). Doesn't always work. But they are tools available to me to use and I'm successful about 90 percent of the time, which is better then before. Takes practice. When it comes to things I cannot change....arguing with the fact is like trying to teach a cat to bark...at the end of the day...you are miserable and exhausted---and the cat is still a cat. Meow.
  13. Lol. Changed back to Babs. Felt like an imposter as barb. Lol
  14. Geez bakon! I don't even know what happened. Where you attacked??? Hugs!! Prayers and hugs to your brave warrior princess too. I think of you guys every day
  15. Hi Colleen.!!
  16. Who let christaC in here??? Who's moderating this operation???? ;) Hi mom.
  17. Welcome Jackie!! So wonderful to have you here!
  18. I love Kelly!! Hope she gets word about this place...would be great to have her here
  19. Well it's about time!! Been waiting for you! Welcome to the board Petra! :)
  20. Welcome to the warmest and fussiest quit site on the net! Woot woot!!! Armed is here! Love logging on and seeing another great member join us. :)
  21. Betsy!!!!! Yay!! I'm so happy you are here.
  22. Actually Bonnie I didn't !! I regret that now..I heard the story from a friend who read the book and I can see stuff was left out by what she told me. Books are always better
  23. ((((((Cher)))))) So wonderful to see you!! Xoxo
  24. Jenny rocks!
  25. babs609


    I didn't have my glasses on when I read the title. Lol. I was like "el bandito!!" Woops...my bad

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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