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Everything posted by babs609

  1. 8:11 and off to work!
  2. Happy Birthday Bakon!!! Happy 2nd BD smoke free! :)
  3. Way to go Petra!! Woo hoo! Congrats to you on your Freedom! xo
  4. Good to see you Sue! I waited up last night for you to start the pledge and was concerned! Way to go on the 5k! Congrats to you on 2 weeks...that's fantastic!
  5. that's me right now...haha
  6. babs609


    i knew someone who say it...but rachael?? haha...bad girl!
  7. 11:56
  8. read it...then add yours :D
  9. TIffany..she didn't offer you the cigarette because you relapsed so many times.....nor did she remind you "you know where to find me if you want one" for the same reason She did it because she is an addict....and addicts love company..plain and simple. Your quit is a threat to her because it reminds her of her addiction. Pisses people off when you show them up..haha One day at a time!! Congrats on 2 days! that's a big deal....forget the other quits...forget them!! (except for the lesson learned from them) Make this your sticky girl..and you will never do day 2 again! On to day 3!!! :)
  10. congratulations amberdawn!!
  11. Hi Dors! we missed you too!
  12. Fixating on a Cigarette What happens to some people is that when they are off smoking for a certain time period they start fixating on a cigarette. By that I mean they forget all the bad cigarettes they ever smoked, they forget the ones they smoked without ever really thinking about them even at the time they were being smoked, and they start to remember and focus on one good cigarette. It may be one they smoked 20 years earlier but it was a good one and they now want one again. It's a common tactic for the ex-smokers to try and tell themselves that they do not really want that "good" cigarette. Well, the problem is, at that moment they really do want it. An internal debate erupts, "I want one, no I don't, one sounds great, no it doesn't, oh just one, not just one!" The problem is that if the ex-smoker's focus is on just "one" cigarette then there is no clear-cut winning side to the debate. The ex-smoker needs to change the internal discussion. Don't say that you don’t want one when you do, rather acknowledge the desire but ask yourself, "Do I want all the other cigarettes that go with it. Then, do I want the package deal that goes with the others? The expense, social stigma, smell, health effects, possible loss of life. Do I want to go back to smoking, full-fledged, until it cripples and kills me?" Stated like this it normally is not a back and forth debate. The answer will normally be, "No, I don’t want to smoke under these terms," and those are the only terms that a cigarette comes with. Normally if viewed like this the debate is over almost immediately after being pulled into focus. Again, if the focus is only one, you can drive yourself nuts throughout the entire day. If you focus on the whole package deal, you will walk away from the moment relieved to still be smoke free and sufficiently reinforced to NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF! http://ffn.yuku.com/topic/11387#.UwcE76SYa0
  13. We are here for you both, every step of the way! I'm excited for you!
  14. Rob. You are crazy!! Good to see you here. Now behave! :)
  15. Quite the opposite Rowley. Welcome! Happy to have you here! :)
  16. So happy to see you amber. Our first quit train baby. How exciting. :)
  17. Soul...that is fantastic news!! Hope when you go you will be able to write to us about it. Must be amazing to be a part of something so HUGE!
  18. Awww...sharon...that's so cool. I remember those days took my daughter to Nsync and pink when she was 14 ....she will never forget it
  19. babs609

    I am here.

    Welcome chip!! So glad to see you! :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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