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Everything posted by babs609

  1. day 4 is fantastic Juan!! Nicotine is out of your system now!! You are doing it! One day at a time!
  2. welcome to the board shaddycat!!
  3. nope for me today!! Happy Thursday!
  4. AMAZING job Amy!! You should be so proud! We are!! One day at a time girl!!
  5. good for you evelyn!!!
  6. way to go KS medic!! 2 months is fantastic!! :)
  7. Princess Paula!! Knew you would find your way here! Welcome to the Quit Train! :)
  8. Holski! 6 months!! you did it! so very proud of you!
  9. that's right tiff...whatever it takes!! water, deep breaths, exercise, stuff mushrooms...whatever it takes! great job sis!
  10. Well.............it's about time! Been waiting for you! Good to have you here Suz! Welcome to the Quit Train!
  11. Why would you fail? Why would you relapse? You already committed to not smoking. It's been decided by you. It's a done deal. Signed, sealed and you're delivering. :)
  12. I didn't avoid anything....I drank coffee, I drank beer, I sat outside with my smoking husband, I never asked him to move his smokes from my view, I even went outside with my smoking co -workers when the weather was nice (haha...didn't HAVE TO when it wasn't) I do think protecting yourselves from your triggers does your quit a disservice. The truth is...you are surrounded by triggers your entire life. Instead of protecting yourself from them, arm yourself. Great post Jonnie! :)
  13. I would like to apply for the Health position :)
  14. The Quit Train-people helping people. Simple as that. :)

    1. sharonsiff


      Amen to that xx

    2. action


      Hey Sharon, that's what I was gonna say ;)

  15. Juan...every time you face down a craving or a trigger..it makes you stronger...and the addiction weaker! Way to go!!
  16. Yay Sue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great job!!! You will never have to go through the first 2 weeks again. Welcome to freedom!
  17. my son told me about it....and he did tell me it's hysterical. I do have a warped sense of humor (I had boys) so I still laugh at stupid stuff. haha...I'm going to have to check it out
  18. "almost" is the keyword but you didn't blow your quit! You faced it down! Good job Evelyn....that's how it's done! one foot in front of the other :)
  19. glad you are seeing the doctor Sharon.....just wanted to show you my support. (((((((sharon))))))))) I struggled with depression in the past. Very isolating ...... you feel so alone. Just want you to know...You are not alone...that's for sure! We are here for you!
  20. calm down on the likes action...that's rediculous ;)
  21. Yay Amy!! One craving at a time. You get through one....you can get through those that follow.
  22. We can fix it for you
  23. Keep posting Amy. That's what I did. I supplemented smoking with the board. It really helps. Post every minute if you need too. :) You can deal with the board addiction at a later time. :)
  24. Felt the need to bump this today. :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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