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Everything posted by babs609

  1. 9 months is fantastic pippa!!
  2. babs609

    Dear Beth

    Please consider joining us here at the Quit Train. If after one week you don't like it here.....then ask marylandquitter to delete your account and it's no big deal. What do you have to lose??? You have so much to offer newbies...you are supportive, loving, and you crack me up 99 percent of the time What's that???? I think i hear the train coming....to pick you up....chooo choo!!! Get on it girl!!!!! You know you want to! :)
  3. for rachael :)
  4. THAT is awesome Juan!! So proud of you!
  5. I remember feeling that way....nobody will know. But I'll know. And if I had that 1 cigarette...then what? 20 minutes later I'll want another. (After feeling like total crap about myself). Then to have to come back to the board and confess that I smoked. No thank you. Addiction to the board...that's another story. Haha. When my husband would go out to smoke..I would jump on the forum. :)
  6. Great stuff! Great group. :) You are doing fantastic Amy!
  7. I missed this!! Excellent post and so true. No more excuses smokers. Today is the only day to quit.
  8. Like this thread. Totally true.....you are who you hang with. So glad to be hanging out with you wonderful people. :) Great place to sign up and join! :) Quitting smoking has never been easier.
  9. Hahahaha. Omg. That was so wrong! But hysterical. I was laughing hysterically in the 1st 10 min. The vending machine and the funeral. Lol. The body!! That movie even had my husband laughing...and movies rarely make him laugh.
  10. Sharon!! O M G!!!!! I couldn't NOT stop laughing!!! Freakin hilarious!
  11. Not one puff. Ever.!
  12. Plenty of room for more too!! Please join us!! I know rain....where did that saying originate from? Never thought of it. Quit train kicks ash!!
  13. Nobody has called me "sir" on the phone--for the past year and a half
  14. Evelyn! You've done so well!! Even though the quit smoking journey is full of ups and downs....you have put Hell week behind you! Onward and upward!!
  15. Evelyn! you should be so proud of yourself!! We are very proud of you! If you can get through one day...you can get through the next. You have already proven you can do it. One day at a time!
  16. Welcome to the board Carol! Whatever works to help you ultimately end up quitting. Yes...setting a date is key....otherwise it's just trading one delivery system for another......and you don't want that. I'm happy to have you here!!
  17. Yay amy!!! Doesn't it feel fantastic? You are a non smoker today!! You should be proud of you!!!
  18. the subject line immediately reminded me of Weezy from the Jeffersons....then I came across this and i know it has nothing to do with the original post but i cracked up! Hang in there Jengirl! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXYwWOcTeQA
  19. excellent post Rachael! Your attitude rocks!!! I have no doubt that you will never smoke again....glad you are here to pay it forward :D :D :D
  20. Smart friend. ;) You are doing awesome. Keep posting.
  21. Scared me!!!! Thank goodness you were referring to your previous relapse. Day 12 of a forever quit is more significant than 2 months of a temporary break in smoking. :) Good for you!! :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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