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Everything posted by babs609

  1. Don't let it!! You are in charge of you Sarah. You are so young that quitting smoking now will permit you to live the rest of your life as if you never smoked. You can do it! So happy to see you've joined us!! Welcome!
  2. Well it's about time!! :) Glad to see you Susana!! Welcome to the quit train. You are going to love it here. Xoxo
  3. Deep breaths. Ahhhh. That's better. :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tink


      fresh start indeed xx

    3. sharonsiff


      Chin up Babs...folk can see what's what ;)

    4. babs609


      You are all awesome! Thanks for reaching out. Thanks for being here and having faith in this site too. Means so much. :)

  4. Me too!! I developed dry socket (very painful) because of it!!
  5. Happy birthday Chip!! Could have sworn I said that last night.......maybe I was dreaming...lol! Enjoy your day Chippers!
  6. great post Marti! Happy to read this :) Yes..we always must stay vigilant...but not fearful! You are in charge of your destiny ::)
  7. Yay Jackie!!!! You are doing FANTASTIC!!!!!!! 3 months is really something to be proud of!! There's no stoppin you now!
  8. Happy 1 year nosmo anniversary Craig! Major Milestone!!
  9. Congratulations WYE!! 3 months is fantastic!! Thanks for being you! :)
  10. Well said Tracey!! Just ex smokers...dedicating their time to help others in their quit journey! So exciting to be a part of it. I tell everyone I know about this site because I'm so proud of it. No hidden agendas or motives...we are not sponsored. Honest, caring folks who just want to pay it forward. You all rock!!
  11. Magnificent Enthusiastic Loving Optimistic Dear Youthful Congratulations on 5 months! Great job!!! :) :) :)
  12. just because you say it...doesn't make it true.

    1. action


      Amen to that

    2. Colleen


      Sometimes my son believes if he repeats something so many times, it will make it true. He is a kid though...

    3. babs609


      if used in a good way...it cam be useful. If used in a bad way..not so good.

  13. can't think of a single reason I would give up my quit kind of like deciding what circumstances would I sell off my grandbaby....she's precious...and so is my quit...and I would protect them both with my life
  14. i :rolleyes: was :rolleyes: waiting :rolleyes: up :rolleyes: for :rolleyes: the :rolleyes: QueenBeth :wub: to :rolleyes: do the :rolleyes: daily pledge :rolleyes: I can go to sleep now! NOPE!!! No way am I smoking!!
  15. ok lady....slow down on the reading...I didn't my book yet and I want to be in the conversation!! haha :)
  16. very nice :)
  17. Lynn....you are such a sweet and kind person. One of the very best. It's an honor to know you and to be a part of your quit journey. Congratulations to you on 10 months. You are an inspiration.
  18. Amy! 7 days is fantastic!! You should be so proud of yourself!! Keep at it...it gets better!
  19. haha...hey....that's MY girl! You already stole the bakon :)
  20. i'm feeling a little pink :) ((((((((((((hugs mrs. bakon )))))))))))
  21. 1 out of 3 smokes....my middle child....but he has overcome some serious obstacles in his life and for the longest time....smoking was the least of his issues. I hope he tackles the nicotine addiction next. He "liked" the Quit Train Facebook page so, it's always possible. :)
  22. Have a Wonderful, Happy Birthday Chip!
  23. How did I miss this little nugget? Nice post Ava....it's all about the fear..every single excuse we ever had for smoking was fear based. Funny though...the only courage you really need to have is the first step. Putting down that final cigarette and make the commitment to never take another puff. No Matter What. Minute by minute....you simply don't smoke. You don't smoke for the next hour. you don't smoke for 2 hours....then a few hours goes by...you've done it. Time for bed now..you are a bit tired and even lightheaded (from that sudden burst of oxygen your blood has now received since you smoked your final cigarette) but you made it.....on to day 2........Nothing to fear...you got through day 1.....you can get through any day.

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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