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Everything posted by babs609

  1. Amy. It's normal to have these ups and downs. Do not give in!! The nicodemon is trying to make you weak and break you down. A craving only lasts a few minutes....any longer than that is anxiety and had nothing to do with smoking. Deep breaths. Really deep. Hold it for 10 seconds and blow out slowly. Repeat 3 times. This episode is great actually. Why do I say that? Because it will pass and you will be stronger than ever in your quit. I promise!!
  2. Loved reading this post. Amy I'm so thankful your sister shared our Facebook page with you!! Woo hoo! You are free!!
  3. Never quit quitting Evelyn! Keep coming back....you are worth it. (((((((Evelyn))))))))
  4. babs609


    Sorry I missed this. Rowly, please tell us how you are Smoking won't change any of that. You know it. It's the addicted mind that's telling you otherwise. Please don't smoke. Just for today.
  5. So sorry to see Susana isn't here anymore but...as long as she continues her quit...I'm happy for her. We are here for you if you ever need us :)
  6. oh my goodness!! Never thought I would see the day! yay ChristaC you spunky lady!! So proud of you!!
  7. babs609

    Wine Party?

    open house...starts any time!!
  8. great job Marti~! and that was a great convo...it was so funny how it happened and we ended up in chat at the same time! There ARE no coincidences!! I listen to music with headphones blasted....i take deep breaths....I find people who make me smile and laugh :)
  9. babs609

    Wine Party?

  10. I signed up for Health. Endorphins What they do: Endorphins are a group of neurotransmitters formed within the body that bind to opiate receptor sites in your brain to naturally relieve pain. The bio-chemicals acetylcholine and dopamine are known as endorphins, and have a similar chemical structure to morphine. They are also known to lower stress and boost confidence. How they make you feel: Endorphins produce feelings of euphoria and pleasure, and they have a calming effect. They fill you with a sense of well-being and relaxation. They may also make you feel dizzy and drowsy, and you might even drift off to sleep. Doctors have suggested that over-stimulation of the opiate receptors, as with heroin use, causes a depressed sex drive. So next time your woman hassles you over passing out post sex, you know it's the endorphins at work. In fact, you can even argue that the faster you fall asleep, the better the sex was. Of note, endorphins are released by your brain during sex, sporting activities, skydiving, fights, grievous injuries, and almost any other exhilarating activity you partake in. Get your adrenaline, among other things, pumping...
  11. haha....make room for him in the garage!! :)
  12. 7 months is fantastic!! Way to go!!!
  13. have fun George!! Fish and Garlic breath....oh joy!! haha....try not to get to close to anyone! lol
  14. Sarah! you can do this....one day at a time. You know smoking is not the answer...it never was. :) keep us posted!
  15. how many does that make now??? 5?? maybe a boy??? congrats to you mister!
  16. Omg sue! Quite an episode! Glad you can laugh about it now and that Lucas is ok. Love the avatar. So cute.
  17. my guilty pleasure....I always bought peeps for my kids for years...and they hated them! Cause I always ate them. hahahaha. Love them stale too....that's when they are the best!
  18. love your words markus! They really come from the heart. Awesome!
  19. i spent mine! well..i have about 1500 and I no longer live paycheck to paycheck like when i was a smoker...but something always comes up whenever I try to save a little. Good for you Paula!!!!! That's a nice chunk of change!
  20. Have a very Happy Easter to you too Beth!! Here's some PEEPS for ya..in your favorite color. I took a bite! :D
  21. I love this thread and everybody in it...whether I agree with your statements, or not :) If you do check it out...the ones who said "absolutely not" (with the exception of sarge and his was a hypothetical romeo-like gesture) were all old phartes.. .and the ones who said..."well...if this happened, if that happened...yada yada yada" ..they are all fresh....just a few weeks or months. Still on the roller coaster.. I don't believe Jonny is saying how wrong your feelings are....but what he is saying is....if you change your perspective...you won't HAVE these feelings and thoughts. You will KNOW on a very deep level that smoking does absolutely nothing for you. Nothing. So...when you say "i would smoke if....." then it would be no different than saying....if an asteroid is coming...i'm going to stick a chicken wing up my ass. Why? Screw that! If an asteroid is coming...I'm eating a whole pecan pie to myself and then having lots and lots of sex! :)
  22. that's awesome!
  23. Delta....so great chatting with you today!
  24. babs609

    B.S. Man

    aine...you crack me up
  25. I think the chiffon one...1st of 2nd choices is HOT...!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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