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Everything posted by babs609

  1. babs609

    Day 5

    you go girl!!!!!!!!!!!! You are in the drivers seat!! xo
  2. Yay Joe!!!!!!!!!!! 5 months is awesome!! Proud of you!!! :)
  3. Hoppy Easter!!!!

    1. REZ


      You too babs!

    2. action


      Back at ya

  4. Bumping for our guests who are still on the fence about quitting. No more excuses smokers...quit now! You'll be glad you did!!!
  5. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just choked on my coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PMSL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. babs609


    EGG HERE!! Got my basket all ready!! Happy Easter Bakon!!
  7. annoying is doable. :)
  8. i love your honesty Aine. It really helps me to read posts like yours. Sometimes quitting smoking for me resembles childbirth in the sense that...as time goes one...we forget how bad it can be. I do remember wanting to just crawl out of my skin sometimes. But then I would go to my online support group and realize I wasn't alone. and I would read funny posts, motivational posts....I would read the newbie package and I read a lot! I googled everything I could about quitting smoking....I still do sometimes...
  9. She's cute anyway :)
  10. “To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh

  11. great seeing you Millie!! :)
  12. babs609


    have a fantastic, wonderful time at home Gem!!! See you soon! xoxo
  13. babs609


    that's right! I love keeping you on your toes baconator :)
  14. Not going to add anything but a hug. ((((((((((Evelyn)))))))))))
  15. GREAT to see you pledging rowly! I will join you! I f!cking hate smoking too! NOPE!!!
  16. well....I smoked a minimum of 20 cigarettes a day..up to 30. I can guarantee you...out of those....I probably only "enjoyed" 3 cigarettes. 1 when I first woke up (after 8 hours of oxygen running through my veins and not smoking) 1 when I took a lunch break (after 4 hours of not smoking) 1 when I got out of work. (after 4 hours of not smoking) all 3 that I "enjoyed" were after a period of abstaining. hmmmmm...coincidence? I don't think so the rest were all just in between and i either hated them...or I didn't even consciously think about smoking at all...I just lit up. When I wasn't smoking....I wished I was and when I was smoking...I wished I wasn't really doesn't sound like enjoyment to me. Sounds like prison. Torture. Even if I admit I liked those 3 cigarettes a day (I believe i enjoyed the relieving of the withdrawal pangs)...I didn't enjoy the other 17...that's a guarantee. I also would enjoy taking tight shoes off at the end of the day....but is the enjoyment in taking off the shoes??? How about if I don't even wear the tight shoes...and then I won't really enjoy the removing of the shoes to begin with.? I have relapsed enough to know..that the fantasy of this sensation is just that...a fantasy. Each time I ever relapsed...that first cigarette tasted like shit. It wasn't until after 4 or 5 smokes that I suddenly started to "enjoy it".....
  17. yes you did bug :)
  18. should have just said it
  19. Wow! I really enjoyed reading this!!! you are awesome and it's so exciting watching you grow into your quit these past few months! Thanks for being with us Tracey!!
  20. babs609

    Wine Party?

    too many calories...i like to eat.
  21. babs609

    Wine Party?

    maybe everyone started drinking too early and passed out...lol I'm drinking coffee...I'll be up for hours
  22. babs609

    Wine Party?

  23. Difficult yes.....but you are doing it. Post 100 SOS's if you need to. Just no smoking. That's just not an option. You committed. :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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