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Everything posted by babs609

  1. It's Thursday!! Lets see more! :)
  2. Ladybug......real life happens and we get busy. Just please keep in mind, your quit is still young. If you find yourself in trouble....please please...PLEASE remember that the Quit Train is here for you always. Do not hesitate. Protect that quit!!! That's top priority!!
  3. Oh the bargaining.....I think smokers make great lawyers. Haha. I remember, whatever the bargain was....the cigarette was always my reward. Crazy
  4. Yes amber!!! So happy for you and your baby. :) Congrats on your engagement!
  5. she's ok....they diagnosed her with gastritis...thankfully, nothing serious. Full liquid diet and a few days rest...she'll be good as new, Thanks ladies!
  6. oh what a relief!!!
  7. babs eats a whole pound a day for 2 months and i don't mind the pee :) I'm weird
  8. So my daughter...who works with me starts having abdominal pain severely...I leave work to take her to hospital then pic up her daughter and take the baby over to the Kids she babysits for after work. I've only met them once. Awkward. First thing in the door and their dogs starts jumping all over me and scratching me like crazy. The little boy puts him in the cage and so here I did with a yapping dog in my ear as these kids do their homework and then we are off to take the one child to dance class where I will chase my granddaughter around for an hour. Meanwhile....I haven't heard from my daughter and I have no idea how she is. Oh joy. On a positive note....the house is really nice, the kids are polite and the dog has now stopped yapping. As a smoker, I could not even imagine dealing with this without running outside to smoke every chance I would get As a non smoker, I can't believe I smoked....and furthermore...I wouldn't have the chance to smoke on a day like today....so I would be going thru withdrawal right now. So thankful I am free.
  9. babs609

    3 days

    Great job Evelyn!!
  10. Sue!! Congrats to you on 7 months!! Terrific! So proud of ya!
  11. Can I say again how happy I am to be here on the QUIT TRAIN?? Is there a limit to how many times I can say it?? :)))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. babs609
    3. Jenny


      Yes there is a limit actually. When you reach the limit a siren will go off and scare the hell out of you.


    4. jimmy


      9 billion should be enuff i think love ya babs

  12. Yay Beth! I'm so happy you quit!! Your heart is happy too!! :)
  13. Finally, the time is near Our very own Ava........is celebrating her first year!!!!! Jengirl....you stuck with it....no matter what! You've had that winning attitude from the first day I read you!! So very proud of you!!! Yes...it was a rocky road at times.... and has not always been easy peasy.... but no matter what...you stuck to it and fought for your freedom.....Buffy would be so proud... You are a Nicodemon Slayer!!!! Congratulations to the Quit Trains very first 1 year smober honorary member---AVA!!!!!!! and I am so proud to know you...love ya girl!!!!! xoxoxoxoxo :wub:
  14. so proud of you Amy! Take back control.....you've got this!! You are going to love freedom! We are here for you every step of the way
  15. Loving and respecting the gift of life :)

  16. Amy, please don't wait too long. Read that book and make it priority. The nicodemon has control over you. Take it back. Take care of you
  17. Well done young man! :)
  18. Fantastic WYE!! Proud of you!!
  19. happy Birthday Stu!!!!!!! :)
  20. el bandito....you rock! happy 3 months! Thanks for the inspiration and all the laughs!
  21. I once was conned into being a head coach for my son's soccer team when he was 8. They gave me a book and a DVD and wished me luck, I knew not one thing about soccer...and to this day...I still don't!! haha....I was lucky enough to have a great assistant coach who helped me play it off like I knew what I was doing. I still don't even get the concept of "OFF SIDES" but I do remember it being yelled a lot. Grrrrrr.... Needless to say...we did not win one game...but I do have to say the parents and kids were very gracious and never gave me a hard time about it. At least I got the T-shirt and the Team picture! :)
  22. I'm finally caught up on the conversation. Sharon....I love this book so far. I'm only at chapter 2 but getting some reading in now. Just discovered I have a very healthy chimp. Ahem. ;)
  23. Come back after you sleep it off. Start again. I would definitely avoid alcohol in the first few weeks. You can do it Laura.

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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