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Everything posted by babs609

  1. hi my nonsmoking friends!! NOPE!
  2. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  3. 2 months of freedom and counting! woo hoo RM!!!
  4. great job R!! congratulations and thanks for all you do here!
  5. 3 years is awesome!!! I know you are enjoying your smoke free life!
  6. Welcome to the quit train Kellemae! and congrats to you on the best decision of your life.....yay freedom!
  7. I have nothing to add here...such great advice! Welcome aboard ish!!!!!
  8. NO HOPE! Just do! You will come back from Holiday a non smoker still but one PUFF would change all that so....DON"T and enjoy your holiday smoke free~!
  9. Welcome aboard the quit train Angie!! Stay close to the board and post as often as you like. We have an SOS board where you would post if you find yourself needing help immediately. We are here for you! It's not always gonna seem so easy....(though it will be as hard as you make it)...but I promise you....it will be worth it!
  10. babs609

    chicks or sticks

    -1 Good morning chicks and sticks
  11. babs609


    She likes to run wild and free too
  12. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  13. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  14. relaxing (but I like both) card games or board games
  15. elves only packed the scotch! This led to....
  16. busy
  17. She hasn't been on in 2 days! I was looking for her also EVELYN!! i HAVE 4 LETTERS FOR YOU COPD now knock it off!
  18. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  20. great Job Lust4life!!! 8 MONTHS IS FANTASTIC!!
  21. lol he does look pretty toasted
  22. starting over....again. (not with smoking. Quit is solid)

    1. Doreensfree


      You can do it Bab,s xx

    2. Runfree


      It's going to be good.


    3. babs609


      thank you ladies!


  23. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  24. babs609

    chicks or sticks


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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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