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Everything posted by babs609

  1. can't sleep :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Still winning

      Still winning

      peppermint tea! x


    3. Nicole Diver

      Nicole Diver

      Yes love the new pic it's gorgie. Xoxo

    4. babs609


      awwww....thank you!


  2. great to have you here Yogi! :)
  3. great job Gemma!! Love it !!
  4. breathe in. breathe out.

    1. Still winning

      Still winning

      and repeat. ((babs)). x

    2. Jenny


      Yes, repeat is a must!


  5. LOL! Never doubted ya Tiff!!
  6. great post Marti! You've got it!! Don't ever let go
  7. darn...I wasn't here either! Sorry Tiffany!! But....i am so proud of you and everyone else here for being here for you. This is why the Quit Train Rocks!!! If i even have a tiniest belief that circumstances in my life had anything to do with quitting smoking....that would be the biggest threat to my quit. Even a sliver...not a crack in the belief system is allowed. I trusted completely in what i learned and marched forward one day at a time. It's the only way. Believe it. Achieve it. You are right where you need to be in your quit, sister...everything that is happening to you is what's supposed to happen in order to get to the place that finally feels comfortable and at peace. Until then...every time you jump a hurdle...the stronger and more confident you become. You've got this. The addiction will NOT WIN. Not this time. Not ever EVER again.
  8. Babs woke up startled "well he was here last night but i fell asleep and he was gone! Maybe he was tired of my babbling.." So the entire Quit Train went on a mission to find Scott......
  9. babs609

    2 1/2 months have passed

    amy...please...never quit quitting...not only does your life depend on it.....but so does your quality of life. Stop dying...and start living! Stay with us!!!
  10. miss your words of wisdom Markus....much needed here so please...come back every so often and give it to us! :)
  11. NOPE!! No way
  12. babs609


    thank you all so much! I knew I could count on my quit smoking buddies...and you did not disappoint! I appreciate each and every one of your heartfelt, uplifting messages.....helped tremendously. My mother, who hasn't' been to the site in weeks...happened to come by and see my post...so she called me and came for dinner last night and we had fun talking and hanging out with my son. Feeling much better today :) My boy is getting ready for his new adventure...and so am i. :) Change is good
  13. babs609


    6 months ago when my 18 year old son signed up for the military--seemed like a good idea and I was happy for him and surprisingly calm and courageous. Since he enlisted--of course I have gotten negative nelly's telling me the horror stories (not what I needed to hear but thanks) Please re-enforce with me why this was a good idea. Cause right now I want to vomit. He leaves in 4 days for his basic training (army) He's my baby. We are very close. Last one to leave the nest and on the positive side--it's the first time since I was 19 years old that I'm not responsible for another human being and my life will begin a new chapter. :). But still--I'm really sad and can't shake this feeling which is unlike me. Ugghhhhh
  14. ((((((Evelyn))))))) One day at a time. Never give up
  15. Fantastic news x 2. :) Keep at it. One day at a time
  16. Oh Cher. :( I know how much you loved her. You were always posting pics and spoke so lovingly of her. the bond you shared was evident. She had a great life and was a lucky pooch to have you in her life. She's with you always. Sucks that they don't live long. Hugs honey!
  17. 8 months is fabulous! Keep at it!
  18. Sarah!! That is fabulous girl. That quit looks wonderful on you. Roar loud and proud!!!!!
  19. Fantastic amber dawn!! Woo hoo! Baby is coming....and will never know you as a smoker. That is awesome!!
  20. Lmao. Love "backseat girl". Hahahaha!
  21. showing my age here...but when I was 13....I really wanted to be jesse's girl :) Saw Rick Springfield in concert...fell in love
  22. way to go wiley!!!!! Great job!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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