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Everything posted by babs609

  1. great job DD! thanks for being here :)
  2. way to Go Sue!!
  3. babs609


    Why is everyone but me forgetting that I was the original egg, in the back seat with the bakon?? Why????
  4. i hate to admit this Tiff....but the smoker in my life helped re-enforce my quit because I would watch him smoke and not envy him at all...I felt sorry for him. Watching him take a puff...inhale..immediately see him relax and chill out...only to see the pressure build up again 20 minutes later. It would happen right in front of my eyes and as soon as i looked at him like that....there was no going back to envy or temptation...how could I? He clearly had to smoke..then...and still now...and it's sad.
  5. I"m on the Quit Train...NOPE!
  6. oh but the smoker doesn't dare smoke in the house... No way. I wouldn't tolerate that. It was easy though because there never was smoking in this house so it was no different when i quit. What anyone does with their own bodies, i cant control...but my air space...is mine and i have a right to clean air. Everyone does.
  7. i live with a smoker...so i have daily reminders of it..i never had a smokers cough either...which i don't think was a good thing...I didn't cough anything up. my dad never coughed....ever. Never wheezed...went to the gym faithfully and never had trouble breathing. yet...he died of lung cancer. You just never know.
  8. burrito....man in skirt....bakon lover in a previous life...congrats to you!! Proud of you for your accomplishment...and also grateful for your presence here on the QT...you rock elbandito!! i bought you a new skirt...it's the modern edition...and if vin diesel can get away with wearing a skirt and look good doing it...so can our burrito
  9. great job Tom! When I quit 2 years ago...it was the same thing..I was planning to quit on a monday but friday I had enough...so I quit early too. Stick close to the board...drink a ton of water...fruit..fruit juice..take walks....keep busy...change your routine. It's an exciting journey where you will learn all kinds of interesting things about yourself...buckle your seatbelt...it's actually a great ride. :) So excited for you...you can do it!
  10. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  11. Too funny about the buzzards. Lol Awesome job Joe!!
  12. no sir Jimmy!! There will be no smoking today...that's a big, fat NOPE!
  13. Welcome Vic!! Best decision of your life...to quit smoking for good. You won't regret it :) Glad to have you here
  14. Beautiful post Tiffers!!! You rock girlfriend!!
  15. Hi Sandar! Welcome! Make this the quit that sticks! You already know what relapse feels like...and it sucks. Make that commitment every day to not take a puff...just for today. There is nothing like freedom. The longer you keep the commitment, the happier and more confident you become. Learn from your relapse. Make a list of reasons why you quit and keep it with you. Stay close to the board. Drink a lot of water. Take walks. Change your routine. You've got this!!
  16. People who think their time is more important than anyone else's. Slap!
  17. I knew I would be in the back. Lol
  18. popping by for a little NOPE therapy :) have a great nosmo day everyone!
  19. like everyone else said. +10000 The "education" part of quitting is crucial. If you don't "get it" you will struggle. 'fake it till ya make it" will only take you so far. So...keep doing what it is that you are doing...which is....not taking a puff TODAY good job!
  20. You will get to a comfortable place tiff. But there is only one way to get there. By not taking a single puff. Gradually your smoking thoughts and your thoughts about not smoking, will diminish. You will always be a nicotine addict. But proudly...a non active one Keep marching forward girl. No looking back. :) You've got this!
  21. Walked around my house naked this morning. Not because its what I normally do; just because I can. Looking for silver lining to empty nest. :)

  22. amazing Paul!! You should be so proud, as we are of you! Way to go!!
  23. way to go CS....6 months was such a turning point in my quit...I was finally comfortable in it. Great job!
  24. well.....he's gone. Off to start his new life in the Army. I had a a few meltdowns but i'm better for now.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. SueBeDoo


      Awh babs must be soo soo hard for you, have a few drinks to help you sleep, hope hubby is looking after you, thinking of you and yours xxxx

    3. babs609


      you all rock


    4. jimmy


      I know you miss him babs but I bet your a proud mom to hugs babs

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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