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Everything posted by babs609

  1. There would be no reason for anyone who is posting on this thread to "try an e-cig". They are all quit, and have quit for some time now, thankfully. It's great to be free from all nicotine/cigarette related substances. Period. :) Great post Beacon!
  2. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  3. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  4. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  5. babs609

    chicks or sticks

    -9 thought i would get in on the action
  6. 2 months is fabulous!! congrats to you!
  7. I am so happy for you!!! Congrats!
  8. Congrats Jeffrey!!
  9. Yay for you Wiley!!! Proud of you!
  10. Congrats!!
  11. great job! keep at it! :)
  12. Lisa! wow...can't believe we've known each other for 2 years...that's just cray cray But so glad we met....and even more glad we quit! Huge Congratulations to you, my friend!!
  13. Great Job!! Proud of you Sarah! Keep at it! :)
  14. (((((((;Bonnie)))))))))))) Positive thoughts and prayers, love.
  15. I am foxxy Cleopatra and I'm working undercover... https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=VHuKQXmz9ss
  16. Awwww..wiley..so sorry!! Hugs Ava!
  17. Beacon...as I was reading it I was thinking you got in my head somehow...like they were my own thoughts..lol..totally relate. Great post
  18. I'm happy to be able to see my boy in 17 days!
  19. Very good!
  20. addiction sucks.... the only thing I can add is....when I was early in my quit and would have the "restlessness" (I didn't like to call it a crave because it was weeks and months after nicotine had left the body)...I would look around and see all the non smokers in my life and think to myself...they have stress, they have boredom, they have weight issues, they have personal issues...but through it all..THEY DO NOT SMOKE. They are non smokers...why would they? Well...so am I. I am a non smoker and I have to deal with the blows that life deals to me...like a non smoker does. Guess what? I survived. I survived a lot of things that have occurred in my life the past 2 years..and a few of them were HUGE issues. I also always remembered that I am not weaker then the successful quitters..nor was my addiction stronger...nor did I have something about me that made it more difficult....we are all the same. the addiction is the same. It's true.
  21. Great Post Dors!! Sorry Ross!! :( Big Fat NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Yay!! 500 days! amazing sister!!! xoxo
  23. Excellent work Action! Congrats and thank you for all you do here. You are a wonderful support to all...and a loving and giving spirit. xoxo
  24. Congratulations!! Well done!!
  25. Great Job!!!! Proud of you and happy you are here, riding the quit train with us!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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