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Everything posted by babs609

  1. i am having the same problem....but i'm not complaining much..haha
  2. it's been an honor to share this journey with you my dear friend bakon. Well done on 2 years...and onward, the rest of your happy, non smoking life.
  3. Oh gosh. I missed this!! Congrats to you Sally! You are almost full circle. You are a lovely person and such a wonderful support. Glad you found your way to the Quit Train. :)
  4. talked to my son for 40 min! I am one happy Momma..go to see him next week!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jenny


      That is wonderful news! He won't recognize you when you see him---


    3. SueBeDoo


      Awh that's fantastic, delighted for ye xxx

    4. beacon
  5. Sue...I gotta tell ya....half the time I don't even understand what the heck you are saying...to be honest. Your slang cracks me up and it's hard to follow sometimes (I love it though. Particularly love when you say "come here"--I remember the first time you wrote it..I was like 'what? where we going?') But one thing I do understand...you are a kick-ass quitter here and a loving and strong support for all members. Glad you are here! xoxo
  6. wonderful! 1 week is an amazing accomplishment! You should be so proud!
  7. well done Nay nay!!! Keep moving forward....it just gets better!
  8. babs609


    i have such a history of seasonal affective disorder..really really bad. I have to force myself outside in the winter, I could stay in my house all winter long if it were possible...actually I would sleep all winter and wake up in spring if I could. Sorry....but it's true. Autumn has always been for me a symbol of the isolation, cold, rainy, short days, layers of clothing, wiping the dogs paws, no pretty colors...yuk yuk yuk That being said....for the past few years I have learned to try to focus on the positive in regards to autumn instead of complaining about it. It has really helped me to embrace the fall and all it represents...so........ I do love wearing jeans and sweatshirt I do love wearing boots I do love seeing the cute trick or treaters..looking forward to halloween with my granddaughter I do love thanksgiving....the food, the family...the day off of work I do love COOKING...this is a big one...I really do love to cook and i look forward to firing up the oven and roasting I do love having a big pot of soup on the stove I do love having a little fire in the back yard...the smell of the burning wood...really love that I do love riding my bike in the fall rather than summer...it's cooler I do love going down to the shore after the season is officially over....so peaceful and the dogs love it too I do love hiking in the fall too...colors of the foilage are beautiful... I do love that there are hardly any bugs this time of year...no mosquitos! I do love the fact that we don't need air conditioning OR heat right now...windows open--nice! (a little chilly in the morning but doable) wow.....after I made my own list...i realize i love a lot about the fall..more than i ever admitted. :) I also love December 21st --because it's the shortest day of the year and we add a minute of sunlight to every day after that....because Spring is truly my absolute favorite season...regardless of the things listed here. :)
  9. haha..you guys are too funny!
  10. Jules....welcome to the quit train!! You are doing fantastic. The junkie brain that still is struggling inside your head to get you to cave and have "that one cigarette" well...there is no such thing...it's a lie... pay no attention to it. You are in charge of your future health...and in charge of your actions and reactions..not the addiction. It most certainly does get better...beyond your wildest dreams :) Hang in there!!
  11. ooops!! Never saw this! Great job Colleen! woo hoo!!
  12. Wonderful! Just wonderful.....congrats to you Joe!! woo hoo!
  13. awww....what a sweet post! Congrats to you Tracey.....you are an awesome support here. Thank your for sharing your unique and special journey with us. :)
  14. congrats to you comrade on 8 months smober and getting your health in check. Doing wonderful!
  15. i was a finalist but not a winner...that's ok...the girl who won definitely deserved it. She cried and everything. I think it was much more of a life changing event for her. A very needed one. It's all good..I feel great and am into week 3 of the next challenge. I have always been a little large...but im tall and was able to pull it off. But not in the last year...when i quit the gym last year...after a year of keeping the weight stable after quitting smoking.....i gained 30 pounds. So far my weight loss is at 42 lbs and still climbing...have about 25 to go. I hate the picture on the left but...i'm proud of the new me and if I inspire one person to make a change in their life then its worth putting myself out there. Quitting smoking has changed my life in so many ways. I know I will never go back to that girl on the left. No more yo yo dieting...no more searching for miracle diets and products. Just eating a clean, nutrient enriched diet and daily exercise...for the rest of my life.
  16. What's going on in here? Who left the lights on and beer bottles all over the floor?? Bakon for the last time it's a planter, not a urinal. Please guys....leave the chat room as you found it.
  17. Happy Birthday MQ!!! :clapping: :dance4: :party2: :party: Here is a Fresh cup (brewed 90 seconds ago, I promise. and it's not folgers or maxwell house either.) :P and some tunage! one more....you still have some coffee left.... Enjoy, my friend! B) :D
  18. What a wonderful idea. Beth is the perfect choice. As far as Ladybug's concerns, I would have been much more receptive to your thoughts had you sent a PM to Marylandquitter out of concern...rather than making a post as an effort to give a public spanking. If that isn't enough, you continue with back handed remarks about how none of your bloggers want to post here. I can't help but wonder what they think of you, after seeing you doing the very things that would make a person not want to post, because....you really aren't being very nice. Not sure why to be honest. Be the change you want to see in the world. :) As a member, I give both MQ and Beth permission to email me personally if i ever just disappeared from here. It means they care enough ...to help me save my life. I can't even find a problem with that. Sorry..i can't. I could always get a new email address. Small price to pay for good health. Bravo on the post MQ!
  19. Well Done!!! Congratulations on 1 year of Smobriety!! This is a Huge milestone!!
  20. I refuse to be sad after reading your post. I am celebrating a victory for you....and you should be too. You escaped Sarah...you are a warrior. You are stronger today than you were yesterday You learned a lot from this experience You continue to grow and learn every day You are who you are today, because of what you have endured You are smart and intelligent and beautiful No....I am not sad at all I am overjoyed for you. :)
  21. i put on lipstick and its gone in 5 minutes anyway.....definitely no gloss...sticky yuk..and Jen, I hear ya on the hair thing. No thanks. I do like burts bees...its a lip balm with just a hint of color. nice and subtle. I have full lips and if the color isn't subtle...I look like a clown..lol
  22. Jackie...I am so sorry. :(
  23. Life is infinitely so much better as a non smoker :)

    1. Sazerac


      :-) no comparison, really. "Infinitely so much better"

      is right, so right.

    2. action


      Couldn't put it better myself :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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