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Everything posted by babs609

  1. Way to Go Sally!!!!!!!!!!! What a wonderful day for you! Celebrate your achievement! 1 year is AWESOME and I'm thrilled to be here sharing this journey with you! Thanks for paying it forward
  2. well he's going to Korea....ugghhh.......my baby

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MarylandQuitter


      A good friend of mine who was in the Marine Corps was there and loved it.

    3. BAT


      He will be just an airline ticket away :)

    4. SueBeDoo
  3. What kind of shoes/inserts are you wearing? Proper support for your feet is so important, especially when putting in that much time on them. It not only affects the feet but knees, hips, and back as well.
  4. a big, fat, juicy....NOPE
  5. 11 months!! almost there girl!! Soooooo proud of you! wooot woot!!!!
  6. Armed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's fantastic! What a milestone! you best be celebrating!! Congrats!
  7. .............however, the process of quitting doesn't have to be. As a matter of fact, it's important to enjoy the nosmo journey rather than looking at it as something you need to "do". I am learning this with my weight loss journey as well. I can get so wrapped up in my classes, running time, food shopping, cooking, packing, weighing myself, blah blah blah....for a while, I was getting so darn serious about it that i was starting to lose sight of just having fun....and that kind of attitude can backfire...and I realized... if I didn't change my ways...I would have definitely backslided into my old unhealthy habits that could very well include smoking....and this chick ain't having none of that!! Even though I still do all the things necessary to ensure i continue on my healthy living lifestyle...I am able to see the humor in everything. There are parts of the quit journey that can be so aggravating and trying in the first few days and weeks...and this is where a sense of humor comes in handy. Laughing at yourself, spending time with fellow quitters and just being goofy and playing the games in social....posting pictures...teasing each other...they all play a very important role in the quitting process...seriously...but without always being so serious. So...if you look in the mirror and see that very unsightly deep wrinkle in the middle of your forehead and between your eyes....you might want to consider lightening up just a bit. Release the tension...relax your face...tell a joke...listen to a joke...hug a friend...play a prank on a co-worker... Most of all....HAVE FUN!!!! Nobody ever died from a craving.....and you won't be the first. I promise. Life is Good!
  8. there are too many to list...because even today, after 2 years, I still am surprised to discover yet again..another benefit of quitting smoking. I think if I had to choose....it would be the realization that I can do anything I set my mind to. I am stronger than I think I am...and that One Day at a Time thing isn't just a saying...but a way to live. :)
  9. babs609


    Never doubted you. Knew you made up your mind to commit to your quit the first day we talked. Way to go Jess!
  10. Purdy!!
  11. well how do you think I feel?????????????????????
  12. for those struggling today................
  13. Yay Jess!!
  14. Well done, Joe!! Proud of you! :)
  15. there is always something to be grateful for...regardless of your struggles. :)

    1. Gabby


      Needed to hear this today :-)

    2. BAT
    3. Colleen


      yes, indeed. Always love your positive messages Babs :)

  16. :( Spring is on Friday, 20 March 2015 151 days, 3 hours remain till Spring First Day Of Spring
  17. ran 3 miles yesterday...worked out every day last week....sunday is a day of rest for babs
  18. In the beginning...for me..NOPE meant...not one puff ever this minute, this hour. I got thru 10 minutes...I can get thru another 10 minutes..then 20..then 30...then sometimes hours went by and I completely forgot about smoking...until I remembered that I forgot about smoking :) Eventually..hours turned to days and weeks and months... It has changed for me over the course of 2 years...while I used to pledge for accountability...I now pledge to re-enforce that commitment here and there and also just to join you all on the quit train nope chain...it's fun! :)
  19. i said it before..and i will say it 1000 times again....LIFE IS INFINITELY MORE ENJOYABLE AS A NON SMOKER. HANDS DOWN!! :)

    1. Sazerac
    2. SueBeDoo


      She speaks the truth, I would give anything for every smoker to get a taste of the freedom, then they'd never want to go back x

  20. welcome to the Quit Train! Happy to have you aboard!!
  21. happy birthday to you!!!
  22. bumping :)
  23. time to do major cleaning, take long walks...keep busy..change your routine NOPE!! Hi everyone!! :)
  24. yay!! great job sarah!!! 6 months is a milestone!
  25. Glad to see you made it here Jess!! You are really doing great! Remember....any symptoms you have are a result of having had been a smoker...not because you quit. Think of it like that. It's weakness leaving your body....and it's temporary. Hang in there!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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