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Everything posted by babs609

  1. well that's tomorrow...hopefully the fire is still burning by then :)
  2. I think its been a while. Now that we have new tickers...we can toss those butts we did NOT SMOKE thanks to NOPE! You can contribute yours in honor of someone who's time was cut short due to smoking, or someone currently struggling with their health as a result of this nasy addiction...or you can simply contribute. This time I thought it would be fun if we keep a running tally of it. I contribute 16, 878 nasty cigarettes to start the fire and the next person adds their totals to my total...and so on..and so on it will be fun to see how many cigarettes were NOT smoked as a result of our commitment to NOPE. 16, 878 + ?
  3. woo hoo Colleen!!! go girl
  4. where is bonnie?? hope all is well hon....congrats!
  5. 3 months is awesome Jeffrey!! Congrats to you! :)
  6. doing awesome Nat!! Enjoy your newfound freedom :)
  7. great job MG!! Keep at it! :)
  8. I live, eat, and breathe.....NOPE!
  9. running 2 races in 5 days...I must be crazy but....I am so grateful I quit smoking and have the ability to run

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nicole Diver

      Nicole Diver

      Wish I were there with you. Right on!

    3. Nicole Diver

      Nicole Diver

      Wish I were there with you. Right on!

    4. jess


      Yeah! How great is that!

  10. It's amazing how much confidence is gained when quitting smoking. As smokers, we feared the opposite. Crazy, right? Way to Go...so very happy for you. You are free and unstoppable!
  11. a day late Hope you all enjoyed!
  12. I agree...her legs are like twiggy
  13. oh heck yea...TGIF!!!!!!!!!!

    1. ArmedNAruba


      Friday AND candy!!

    2. Jenny


      Yup! Candy day plus no work tomorrow!

    3. joe
  14. love that look! actually, unless you have thunder thighs...that look hides a lot of imperfections.. i refuse to dress like mary poppins just in case some pig who can't control himself might harrass me if i'm too sexy...that's absurd..
  15. Have fun Joe! Hope your back doesn't give you too much trouble! :)
  17. geez George...don't scare us again like that. I was waiting to see your face pop up on a milk carton....Glad you are well, still smoke free, and singing :)
  18. really love this...TGIF everybody!! Enjoy your weekend!
  19. Way to go REZ!!! Woo hoo!!! Welcome, welcome to the Lido deck!! Can't' believe it's already been a year since you started in your position as editor in chief of the local paper. Which..I miss BTW :) Congrats!
  20. 3 months is awesome Sandy....keep at it! It gets better!
  21. i can't have any nicotine products....butts, cigars, pipes, hookah, ecig, gum, blunts, chewing tobacco, whatever...i can't do it. More importantly...I don't want to. Oh what a great feeling.
  22. Fantastic!! Great Job Nay Nay!! 5 months is awesome! Well done!
  23. great job MG!! Remember..everything associated with quitting is temporary...but the freedom from the slavery is permanent...FREEDOM! It's worth it!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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