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Everything posted by babs609

  1. oh boy....do i ever!! But I can't just yet ;) TPBM is left handed
  2. I do!! I just don't know what that is yet :) TPBM is afraid to fly
  3. i am just happy when I read someone is getting off the couch....and MOVING!! Yay!!
  4. nobody every died from a crave plenty die as a result of giving into that crave...over and over again. great post miss jenny jenn! :)
  5. I know in the past, whenever I started fixating on that one cigarette, I was in danger of relapse. Obsessing over that one cigarette that I can really remember making me "feel good" ...more than likely it was a moment where I had to go a long period of time without smoking...which is why it made me feel good...or during a night of drinking...that was always another. Again..another illusion. I feel good NOW..as a non smoker. As a matter of fact...I feel great. I don't drink...or if i do...it's rare these days. Nothing to romance. :) It was all an illusion....one big fat liar. Just me, myself, and I...and I love it that way. There is no substance on this earth that makes me feel good except good fuel and exercise...proper sleep...and a healthy, positive attitude. That's it in a nutshell. The unhealthy romance between me and big bad tobacco is OVER. My blinders are off and tossed in the trash.
  6. this includes forgiving yourself
  7. I'm just sitting here realizing that many times...and for many years...I took better care of my cars then I did my own body. Now, that's just crazy. never ever again

    1. Sazerac


      we were really sad sacks when we smoked. it horrifies me to think of what numbskulls we were to be so careless with the gift of life.


  8. that's how it's done evelyn...one crisis at a time...each time it makes you stronger and stronger. You are stronger than you think you are ...always remember that
  9. Present!!
  10. great job RWW......hope to hear from you :)
  11. NOPE!! All day!!
  12. the fire is getting down and it's cold!!!! Need more...can we make it to at least 200,000?????
  13. Woo hoo! Get ready to celebrate!! Almost time!! 6 more days. :)
  14. Awesome post and great responses. You are doing fabulous Geri! You are right where you need to be. :)
  15. i always say it's like watching grass grow...you can't see it....but it's happening. :) This is where blind faith comes in...faith in us....and trust me when I say....it will get better. As a matter of fact...the turning point for me was when I just accepted this as fact....that even on my worst days, i'm still not going to smoke no matter what and eventually...my new normal will come to fruition. Guess what happened? It did :) Unfortunately listening to the timelines of others experiences can sometimes hurt us because we are disappointed when it doesn't happen for me as it did them...and that does get frustrating. But eventually...it does happen for everyone. Just keep it one day at a time....don't worry about tomorrow and "how long will go on" because the junky inside of you LOVES this frustrating thought...it's a weakness that gives the addiction a possible opening. But you will not let that happen because YOU are stronger than IT
  16. great post Stu!!! You nailed it. The only people who continue to suffer when "attempting" to quit smoking are the ones who still believe in the cigarette. Once you realize it was all a lie....commitment to NOPE is unbreakable.
  17. 123,935 + 9635+gems 6474 somehow got lost...thanks Lace for pointing that out :) total is now 140,044! wow....keep adding folks!!
  18. 92,144
  19. 84,978 $30,875!
  20. 70,366 + 24,458 = 94,824 cigarettes!! ($26,272!!)
  21. that is a nice chunk of change so far!
  22. Done!! I chose pink for you...if you want another color..let me know :) anyone need help with their tickers...i'll be glad to help adding Jess's 430 total 57,252!!
  23. done! 28,662 + 5835= 34,497

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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