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Everything posted by babs609

  1. big fat NOPE!
  2. I resolve to: 1. Get out of the backseat more 2. Holler at Bakon more 3. Eat more Bacon..(added that one just because saying Bakon's name made me hungry for bacon) 4. Attend the summer picnic in Ohio...that would be fun! 5. join in more on the chicks and sticks game as the sticks are totally out of control 6. Be on the QT more and organize a wine party chat the first Saturday night of every month :)
  3. Miss you, my friend
  4. a flood of conversations I've had with him just came pouring through me....and brought tears. Miss him....what a special person he was and I was so fortunate to having known him. Brilliant, wise man. Miss you John. tossing in my 17,967! (wow..that's a lot of smokes)
  5. i can't stop eating chocolate
  6. Never doubted you Jess. :)
  7. Jess wrote to the QT on Facebook and is having logging in issues...MQ you around?? Meanwhile....I am asking Jess to keep reading this thread...anyone around...please keep writing
  8. hahahaha....love this!! Most especially cause we are all smiling except DD...she looks all serious....lol....funny!
  9. ok....Jenny's 2 ball wins!!!! but they are all cute gifts! For Ava.........lifetime supply of books
  10. babs609

    Missing Ava

    right on....I'm even starting to get used to calling her ava
  11. Very Nice MQ....and a merry xmas and happy new year to you as well.....to everyone!
  12. Paying it forward was and still is a big part of staying smober for me. When I was still new in my quit I lived, breathed, and slept everything about smoking, not smoking, the nicotine addiction...you name it. I observed smokers constantly...in other cars, on the street, on TV. They seemed to be everywhere. For a bit I got tired of having the subject of smoking in my face 24/7. The minute I tried to distance myself from the support and just push smoking right out of my mind....I started getting junkie thoughts....just like that, within days. Creeps up on you I tell you. Just doesn't work...pushing it out of your mind doesn't work. Reading, watching video's, helping others get thru it...that's what makes a sticky quit. A happy Sticky quit, no less. and this is very important.............................. anyone reading this...whether you are 1 day smober or 1 month......if you still believe the cigarette does anything for you...then you need to be here often...reading, watching videos, and reading some more. Cause that's it in a nut shell....you wouldn't want to put your mouth on the tailpipe of your car....of course not...there's no urge for that. That's ridiculous and absurd if anyone would want to. Well....that is the reality when it comes to smoking....no different....NO DIFFERENT. Believing otherwise is an illusion. A complete LIE.
  13. morning everyone!
  14. I sucked on an ecig before I quit and for me it was just trading one addiction for another. However....I believe it was a stepping stone to my sticky quit. She's getting tired of smoking. :) so this is good news.
  15. Exactly with sarge. No less than a pack ever. Bad days or drinking days. Double that. Most days I would say 30
  16. you aren't nuts Joe http://german.about.com/library/blgermyth11.htm
  17. i couldn't help but laugh! Hide the pickle...ha ha My mom was born and raised in Germany and she never mentioned it. Funny how traditions do start because in my family on Easter, we have brunch instead of dinner...and we have competitions with our eggs....each one taking turns cracking and the one whos egg survived the longest without cracking was the winner. I always thought it was a german tradition until I was an adult and learned it was just something we did in our family. So then i did it with my kids and now my kids more than likely will continue...etc.
  18. i have nothing to add that wasn't already said..... just hugs
  19. Here's a little tidbit of information you all don't know and probably don't care....lol...but in the 8th grade I won "class clown" award for the entire school. Lol. Even beat out the silliest of all boys. Only award I ever won. I am still fun bakon! I promise. I been crazy running. Crazy running...I think it's my new addiction. I miss our crazy fun threads. Thanks for the reminder.
  20. good morning evelyn and everyone! Big fat NOPE for me!!
  21. no back seat?

    1. BAT


      I'm proof that it works :)

    2. Sazerac


      yep, I mean NOPE, yep.

  23. woo hoo JC! That's how it's done..one day at a time! (sometimes one moment at a time but you get through it) well done you for posting this...and everyone else for swooping in. Quit Train is unstoppable. :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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