Paying it forward was and still is a big part of staying smober for me. When I was still new in my quit I lived, breathed, and slept everything about smoking, not smoking, the nicotine name it. I observed smokers other cars, on the street, on TV. They seemed to be everywhere. For a bit I got tired of having the subject of smoking in my face 24/7. The minute I tried to distance myself from the support and just push smoking right out of my mind....I started getting junkie thoughts....just like that, within days. Creeps up on you I tell you. Just doesn't work...pushing it out of your mind doesn't work. Reading, watching video's, helping others get thru it...that's what makes a sticky quit. A happy Sticky quit, no less.
and this is very important..............................
anyone reading this...whether you are 1 day smober or 1 month......if you still believe the cigarette does anything for you...then you need to be here often...reading, watching videos, and reading some more. Cause that's it in a nut wouldn't want to put your mouth on the tailpipe of your car....of course not...there's no urge for that. That's ridiculous and absurd if anyone would want to. Well....that is the reality when it comes to different....NO DIFFERENT. Believing otherwise is an illusion. A complete LIE.