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Everything posted by babs609

  1. So glad to hear from you and know you are well! :) Hugs!!
  2. Congrats Brenndy! It's completely normal to feel that way. I am sure you smoked for quite some time so it is going to take time. Just know that it does get better, the tough moments get far and few between and they weaken, while YOU get stronger. Great job! You are right where you need to be at this stage in your quit. Onward and upward...and know that you will never have to repeat this first week again for the remainder of your beautiful life. How's that for awesome??? :)
  3. babs609

    Spring 2015

    I cannot wait until Jess invites me on her boat B) how did I miss this thread? I love a countdown!! :dance4: :party2: :yes3: 55 days!!!!
  4. do i have to go again??????????????? ok.....so... this one time, at band camp..............
  5. Hello Rob! Nice to meet you too...and welcome to the forum! If you've been reading the forum, you know that education is key and taking it one day at a time, committing to NOPE..and knowing (even when you feel shaky about it) that "this too shall pass"..because it does, and you will feel fantastic, confident, happy. Non smokers are happy....you are a non smoker. Happy to have you here and congratulations to you on the best decision of your life. :)
  6. No high five Not enough food girl. You need to eat, to lose.
  7. Jen...write what you are eating and we will "high five" ya and yell at you for free. :)
  8. hahahahahaha!
  9. Sometimes I plan trips. Some I never end up taking...that doesn't matter. seems to make me feel good and something to look forward to. :)
  10. as soon as September rolled around...I would start. Dreading the upcoming winter. Hating that it will be getting dark early and soon be chilly and Fall sets in and everyone is celebrating Halloween...then thanksgiving..and xmas. I would just make it through but not enjoy. I laid around a lot...gained weight....watched TV all the time. I was anticipating winter before it was even here which made me more miserable. Usually after the new year I finally accepted it was winter and started looking forward to Spring. One day 3 years ago..I realized that all that was in my head. (except for the physical symptoms due to lack of sunlight) So I started decorating for Fall...and making myself enjoy it and focus on the positive.....after December 21st we gain a minute of sunlight each day. Knowing that helps...I also love doing my spring countdown....that helps (62 days till Spring) Changing my attitude helped, making myself go outside every day even when it's cold (bundle up), exercise every single day (even when i dont want to), eating healthy...meditation...all these contribute to a much more pleasant winter. ...I still hate the cold...still want to move down south where it's warmer...but...I am learning to embrace it. One thing we have that warmer climates don't have is that wonderful feeling of Spring Fever....so grateful for the warmth and growth of new green grass and flowers and birds chirping, windows open....it's a feeling I know I would miss.
  11. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  12. doreen!! naughty lol Violets
  13. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  14. E
  15. Currently in New Jersey it is cloudy and 28 degrees better than what it was...10 degrees and windy this does really make me appreciate the warmer weather for sure
  16. NOPE! Gosh....I cannot gush enough how amazing it is to be smoke free. Have a wonderful smoke free day everyone!!!!!
  17. My boy is liking Korea. This momma can relax now a bit

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. jess


      This makes me happy. I hated it when my son was deployed but was always glad to hear he was happy and well.

    3. sharonsiff


      That's news every parent hopes to share xx

    4. MarylandQuitter


      A friend of mine in the Marine Corps was over there for a couple of years and loved it. Glad he's liking it and it sounds like you can exhale now. :)

  18. Cause I can't seem to get out of my own way these days and I am finding more and more that I'm not thinking before I react. Tell-tale sign. DUDE!!
  19. Thanks for that reminder Chrispy. I haven't meditated since I started this fitness program. I kept thinking I'm meditating when I'm running but it's not the same. Gonna sit for 15 minutes tonight. The babs abides. :)
  20. not a care in the world....let things roll off my back....when someone offends me say "yea well, that's just your opinion man" Damn....I generally am sort of like that. Just lately, I've been getting way too serious. This body transformation thing i got going is awesome...quit smoking, get healthy....wouldn't change it for the world. However...I do need some dudism back in my life. Relax...breathe...enjoy!
  21. when i was young i pretended my name was Jennifer. Does that count?
  22. yay Beth!! Happy healing!! Good as new! xoxo

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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