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Everything posted by babs609

  1. no one can be harsher on you than....YOU you chose to smoke...that's why there was no SOS Back on the train but you must stay vigilant from now on....1 relapse is unfortunate. Please make it your last.
  2. The gym is closed today due to weather. I did stuff this morning on my own but not nearly as hard as when I'm in class.
  3. My mouth is on fire from eating jalapeños but I can't stop eating them.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. joe


      Can I taste?

    3. babs609


      Lol. Isn't that what Adam said to Eve?? :)

    4. JackiMac


      urghhh just urgghh lol xx


  4. yummy...make both :P
  5. I have many times pointed out the fact that social smoking doesn't exist...and I should elaborate what I mean by that. There is not one person who is on this board...or who has searched support on google for smoking...who are social smokers. They wouldn't be here. But I do love this video
  6. Happy Birthday Lovely Gemma! Celebrate big!
  7. 4 months is fantastic...Congratulations!! :)
  8. way to go Rooster!
  9. So very well said Lace....we are lucky to know you...and thrilled beyond words for your healthy new life! :) xoxo
  10. Missed this but you received great support as always and I am so happy for you. You got through it...you are stronger than you were before it. yay!! Head up....look forward...and march!
  11. Rob...no more looking back except for the lesson in it. Well done for tossing those 17 cigarettes and marching forward in your forever quit. That was a dress rehearsal...this is the real deal because you know...it's not worth it. It is never worth it. 1 puff...no such thing.
  12. Exercise is a natural anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, confidence booster, relaxant, stimulant, all around awesome.....what medication can give you all that?????? I am addicted to exercise...I can't imagine my life without it
  13. Ran 3 miles yesterday....it was rough because my knee still hurts. :( This is upsetting because I do love running. I wore a compression knee sleeve and that helped a little. Today i rest...take Allieve and iced my knee a bit. Tonight I think I'll do yoga...need to stretch
  14. I will commit to NOPE But Sunday...rest day for babs. :)
  15. No happier moment then when you finally realize you are free from the seduction of nicotine addiction. One day at a time.

  16. My stomach dropped when I read this. I know I shouldn't take it personal but I do. No such thing as a social smoker. Nothing social about smoking. Not at all. Uggghhhhhhh Please rob....please. Save your life and put the fire out immediately. Start again and never ever ever ever stick another smoke in your mouth and light it on fire. Ever. Nope everyday and please know that the inner junkie is a ducking liar. Worst liar in your life. Life or death rob. Choose life. Please
  17. almost at the 1 year! exciting!! Congratulations!!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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