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Everything posted by babs609

  1. Grrrrrr!!! Back from gym. My favorite Victoria secret bra chewed to pieces. Wtf!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Devil Doll

      Devil Doll

      They can do no wrong. ;) That face!

    3. babs609


      one thing about having him as my pet...he forces me to keep things put away. grrr...i'm still mad at him...brat!

    4. Devil Doll

      Devil Doll

      Oh yes they do! Everything that you don't want destroyed needs to be put up. Lol. Bitter apple spray on everything else. Mine calmed down after 2 years.

  2. great to see you Beth!! Missed you! Spring is almost here...
  3. It's pretty magical.....as always...beautifully written Markus :wub:
  4. So did I! I gained a lot....and don't get me wrong, I still wouldn't change it for anything. Getting free from smoking was worth it. But looking back, I realized what I could have done differently.
  5. that crazy crazy crazy addiction mind...stinkin thinking.....don't listen to a word of it you are right where you need to be never doubt that...or your quit......NEVER doubt your quit or your ability to stay quit you are a non smoker now..tell yourself that over and over.... smoking is just not an option anymore because you made that decision and now is not the time to question that..or yourself... congrats on 2 weeks!! Celebrate!! and stay close to the board please!!
  6. "Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking. Don't ya think?"
  7. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  8. The way we were!!!!
  9. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  10. I did this too....I never avoided triggers...faced them head on and "poof" they magically disappeared
  11. hahahahaha.....this could be true...but it's not a crisis..more like an awakening :) TPBM gets at least 8 hours of sleep at night
  12. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  13. I'm not going anywhere
  14. It's not what you think...at least not in this post. Many people who "attempt" to quit smoking hope and pray for it. They just crush their last few cigarettes when they are sick of themselves...of course, they just put out a cigarette when they do this so they feel all brave. (20 min later--digging through the trash to find those cigarettes--I admit-I did that) Then you have those that do quit--they just "put it down" and never looked back. My dad was like that. One day..he just decided and never once did he claim to have a hard time. He never took a puff after that...not one. It's people like him that all smokers look up to...hoping one day that we will wake up and just not want to smoke any more. I waited for that moment for 15 years and it never happened. Not for longer than 2 hours anyway. Most people who have an addiction--whether it's to smoking, food, drugs, alcohol, people, sex...whatever it is...they can't just "put it down" without a replacement. There has to be a plan...there has to be an alternative. Simply refraining from smoking is not enough...even though that's all you have to do to stay quit....one day at a time, just NOPE. But still...something has to be put in it's place. This is why many quitters who are not fully educated about the addiction gain weight..or drink more..or may engage in other activities not healthy for them. Their life and situation gets worse and they blame the fact that they quit smoking....when in fact it was because they didn't find a healthy alternative. For me...that replacement was exercise, meditation..and eating healthy. It's become my new addiction. Makes perfect sense since quitting smoking is all about taking care of myself and healthy living....I love it and I don't mind that I'm a little obsessed with it. I dream about running sometimes...and when I am heading to work and see someone running..I am jealous and want to be running too...I am constantly looking up new healthy recipes and finding fun activities I would like to try that involve fitness or just "moving" like kayaking and rock climbing..I bought a bike over the winter and can't wait to get on it. What's your Nicotine replacement therapy?
  15. this is true!! save me one! :)
  16. I call the back seat!
  17. I refuse to lick windows...did enough of that....never again
  18. agree with joe!! Run Free....stay close!!!! That's your addict brain talking...trying to get you to distance yourself from this place so it can do it's evil work on your brain DON'T LISTEN TO IT!! Addict brain is a ******* liar!!
  19. this part doesn't have to be a challenge....My husband smokes 2 packs a day on a good day. Not only was I NOT tempted....I watched him smoke and sat outside and talked to him while he did. I watched him inhale the smoke....exhale...and I thought to myself...he looks ridiculous. Change the way you look at things...and the things you look at....change. Stay close to the board....do a lot of reading and watching videos...post as often as you like..and most of all...Commit yourself every day to NOPE..Not one Puff Ever. No matter what. Welcome!!
  20. addicts have lying ears love that! so true...thanks for sharing DD
  21. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  22. lol...unless you count my c-section or laminectomy scars...I would have to say no...no bad a s s scars... TPMB likes to read their horoscope
  23. Never doubt your decision to quit smoking now.
  24. i will not smoke NOPE
  25. i am one puff away from a pack a day

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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