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Everything posted by babs609

  1. Rest day today! Day 4
  2. Good morning everyone!! First NOPE of the day!
  3. Really starting to question my sanity for these 4 am workouts. Time change is killing me

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. babs609
    3. Frezflops


      when I work at 7am I get up at 3 am and workout at 4am it is hard but if I wait until after work I will talk myself out of it so it is what it is :)

    4. Frezflops


      does that make more insane than you? lol :/

  4. atta girl!! a thought is not a command to smoke...it can't hurt you. Really, the amount of time you suffer is totally up to you. You can tell that thought "thanks but no thanks" and be over it as quick as it came...and come out stronger or.... you can take it...run with it, roll around in the mud, wrestle it, fight it...struggle with it....and ultimately feeling defeated. You are on the right track, my friend!
  5. exactly...customize the challenge to suit you...make it 4 different exercises...doesn't matter which ones as long as you are working your core...
  6. babs609

    chicks or sticks

    6 not you too MQ! lol
  7. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  8. totally unrelated but I hate when a flip flop breaks.....always happens in a place that's not convenient.... to be stuck with a broken flip flop already sucks but if your cooter isn't cleaned....it's a nightmare, i suppose
  9. stop trying to escape the feeling....and just feel it. It's actually not as scary and/or unbearable as you think. Running from the feeling is what keeps you Running. Take deep deep breaths.....that was something that helped me tremendously. 1. Take 1 deep breath...and hold it for about 10 seconds and blow it out very very slowly through pursed lips. 2. Take a second breath..deep as you can go...and hold it about 15 seconds...same thing--blow it out slow 3. 3rd deep breath...inhale deeply...deeper..deep as you can go...HOLD IT..as long as you can (without passing out lol)....blow it out That practice right there saved me many times....i told myself it was my "puff" and it really did satisfy my until the next time. But, that's what smoking did anyway, right? It only temporarily alleviated the withdrawals. The only difference now is...well, deep breaths won't kill ya and the cravings are fewer and far between after a while. Whereas, when smoking....the cravings get closer together until you are a chain smoking mess. I did it so often that it became a habit when I would crave or was stressed....the deep breaths came and still to this day I use it to help me with stressful situations. You are doing great! One day at a time~One craving at a time. :)
  10. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  11. ummm...false? not sure if that's hashish or corned beef hash...but...false to both..lol TPBM hides eggs at easter for children
  12. Welcome to the board Ricki!! You sound like you are doing well...so, I don't have any advise to give you at this time except to keep doing what you are doing. One thing I would like to point out. You can give support from the very first day you quit. You don't have to have any time under your belt...as a matter of fact..jumping in and helping someone else is beneficial to your quit and a key component to your success. There's a ton of information here..video, blogs, posts. Glad you are here...! congrats to you on 3 days! Hell week is almost done :)
  13. hahahahaha! Bakon! you are too friggin funny....hope the Mrs. gives it up soon for ya...lol
  14. I support you!!!!!!!!!! Please post tiff...every minute if you have to. I want you to have the taste of sweet freedom we have...you deserve it honey...you really do. Nothing to be afraid of with quitting smoking...but everything to fear if you don't. You know this...that's as tough as I get when it comes to "tough love" Let's do this Chickie!!!!! xo
  15. OMG!!!!!! I didn't know about the flip flop rule!!! So if I'm not at the beach or a pool....and I'm wearing flip flips....people are gonna think my cooter is dirty?? Oh geez.............. i'm gonna have to get a t-shirt that says "my cooter is clean" when I go to the walmart or anywhere else with flip flops... learn something new every day
  16. Of course, NOPE --One day at a time...and also what Crispy said...I did a lot of that. But in order to add something new to the thread... What stuck in my head and got me through many days...was the fact that the "masters of the quit" before me kept assuring me that it does get better. I came to believe that they knew what they were talking about and they weren't stronger than me..and my addiction was no stronger than theirs. Some days were rough and I only had blind faith to go by but, that's what I did. I put all my trust in what they were saying and I didn't question it, really. I decided if they were lying to me I would come back and tell them all off. lol....I never had to..instead, I thanked them.
  17. Day 3 complete! ;)
  18. 1 hour cardio class done!! Happy Monday!
  19. Good morning!! NOPE!
  20. you are a winner already! congrats!
  21. They had a wine tasting expo there...that was fun. The flowers were gorgeous and it was a Disney theme and my granddaughter had a blast. But what really made me happy was I had my cholesterol checked at one of those tents. It's excellent!! Total 140 and all numbers were excellent. Right in the middle Don't know what it was before, because I never went to doctors when I was smoking ...i didn't wanna know nothing That's what smoking did to me....I was afraid of doctors because I knew I was doing wrong by my body and was ashamed.
  22. Last week at the gym the entire hour class was a class on modifications. We did every exercise modified. We did do them fast but still it was modified. One of the hardest workouts to date.
  23. Leanna....Tracey is right. Don't hurt yourself please!! There is modification for every thing. You can plank on your knees which takes the pressure off your back/hip. Once your core is stronger...planking gets easier.
  24. Hahaha. You guys are really having fun with this challenge!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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