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Everything posted by babs609

  1. babs609


    haha!! on my head...you dirty girl! :P B) :ph34r: :angel:
  2. babs609


    Yep. I thought of bakon as soon as I posted it. Lol And yes. Random! Just random thoughts, ideas, feelings, concerns. :)
  3. SO TRUE!!!
  4. i ran out of time this morning...so I will have to do it this evening day 4 was a nice rest...
  5. the quit never fails.....only we fail...if we don't commit to NOPE :) good post!
  6. Good Job Ricki!!!! That's exactly what I did when I first quit...I think I watched every single Quit smoking video on you tube.....I would even just watch public service announcements about smoking.....something I avoided when I was actively smoking. I would spend hours reading and watching. It became an obsession really....but in a good way :) It's absolutely normal to feel the way you feel....exercise is the best solution! Every thing in regards to taking care of your health will help. Exercise, eating right, getting proper sleep, drinking lots of water....laughing...socializing...meditation...all that good stuff :) One day at a time...
  7. babs609

    End of day 3

    great to read!!! You are doing wonderful! :) you are officially a nosmo warrior!
  8. babs609


    This morning when I was in the shower....I decided to practice mindfulness. We spend so much time in the past or the future in our heads that we don't even pay attention to the details of where we are right now. Mindfulness is a great practice. I let the water fall on my head and suddenly noticed...it tickled!! I actually started giggling..haha! I take a shower every single day...and the water never tickles...I barely feel it because usually I'm rushing to wash up and just get out of there. It was a great reminder that I need to practice more.
  9. yea girl!!! 5 months ago...you wrote to me on the Facebook Quit Train scared, panicked, unsure of yourself, and desperately seeking support. I knew straight away...you wanted this quit. Badly. And here you are.....5 months later. I knew we would be celebrating with you. No doubt! Congratulations!!!
  10. Marti!!! You lovely, lovely woman!!! You have been such an awesome support to so many here...myself included!! Wonderful, beautiful heart! So happy to celebrate this day with you! Congratulations honey!!! kisses and hugs.... :heart: :heart: :heart:
  11. lovin all you Nopeheads!! NOPE!!!
  12. Speaking of wood.....men usually overestimate the size of it.....like the big fish tale.
  13. Every day above ground is a great day. Remember that. :)

    1. babs609


      every day as a non smoker is even better!

  14. Intense cardio class. 110 sit-ups 110 mountain climbers 100 squats 60 push-ups (still do them on my knees.) 60 squat thrusts 190 jumping jack 60 step ups on tire 60 wood choppers Love when we have that class. We mark down on paper to track it and go around to stations on our own. 10 of this 10 of that. I kept the other papers from previous times. Fun to see how much more I'm doing now. How much stronger. Now off to do the ab challenge. It's going to be tough keeping up with both class and challenge once it gets further.
  15. It's a secret. (Victoria's) :)
  16. exactly Tiff...this craving you seek to satisfy....it never does. Ever. The only way to stop it is NOPE, in the meantime....i like julies idea
  17. Lolol. I knew Sarah wasn't getting away with that fancy flip flop excuse. Haha
  18. great job Ricki!! One day at a time..........that's how it's done!
  19. way to go Gabby!!!! Proud of you!
  20. agree with all of the above. when I was a smoker and one of my family members or friends quit.....I wouldn't go as far as offer them a smoke because I really wanted to see them succeed...but...I was a little envious that they could do it and I "couldn't". Their quitting also reminded me that "another one was gone" meaning...a smoking buddy...i was afraid I would be the only one standing outside, looking like a fool, smoking.
  21. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  22. I am here!!
  23. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  24. Upper body workout done. Used heavy weights. I'm gonna be feeling it tomorrow.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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