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Everything posted by whackamole

  1. Hooray for Nay! Well done! xx
  2. I saw that, Leanna! Busy dodging Our Fearless Leader, no doubt. Ottawwah.
  3. Oh, sorry. Never updated my stuff! I was keeping mum due to Post QSMB Stress Disorder. Will update. I'm in YOUR zone, DD. Tarannnah, Ontario.
  4. Amazing Trace! Congrats and a balloon dog for you!
  5. Huzzah, AinA. Balloon dog says, "Take me to AinA."
  6. Will drop by then... Central or Pacific or GMT? This non-smoker is desperate for some fun. Thanks, DD.
  7. Please tell this newbie what a wine party involves. Is it wine or whine, and if wine, do we have to bring our own?
  8. Hey Chrys. I know the issue of relapse is one we both think of. One of my own MANY relapses was on the day my own mom died. My niece and I were outside, my niece lit up a smoke, and the first thing I said is, "Can I have one?" The grief and stress of the day blocked out any reason. The LAST thing in the world I thought of was NOPE. It didn't even occur to me, then or when I smoked the next few cigarettes during the funeral preparations over the next couple of days. Of course, like us all, I was by then again a smoker. I'd like to put all my faith in the NOPE, but unlike the third-person-sergeant, I can't. Sometimes life, death, the way-of-the-world, is just too overwhelming. I wish NOT smoking was always the first thing on my mind, but sometimes, it isn't. I don't know what the solution is to this. Some people may say that I'm just setting myself up by even acknowledging this psychology. It's turned into trouble on another board we know of. I think I'm just being honest. I think the Champix (which I take as well, as you know) is a really great thing to have in reserve. I will definitely keep mine around, after I've finished my course. In the meantime, I'll stick to the NOPE and hope that life doesn't catch me by surprise. I'll try to be ready for it. At least, now, I know I have to be prepared. Hugs to you, Chrys. So sorry about your mother. xx
  9. Cool, action. Glad to know somebody likes em! You and a few others... It's actually a Sholom Aleichem story... my fave.
  10. Hi Mrs. jimmy!
  11. After a long search, a match-maker finally found a marriageable girl for a not-very-bright young man. The day the young man was to meet this girl, his father took him aside and gave him some advice. "Son," he said," you may find yourself nervous and tongue-tied at first, but there are three subjects that you can always depend on. The first is "family", the second is "food" and the final one is a bit of "philosophy." When the young man and the girl were left alone together, it was just as his father described. He was trembling and didn't know what to say. But then he remembered the advice. "Family. Yes, family. That's it," he thought to himself. He addressed the girl. "Do you have a brother?" he asked. "No," she said. Silence. He racked his brain. After several minutes, and with great relief, he remembered the second subject. "Do you like noodles?" he blurted. "Yes," the girl said. More time passed. The young man was growing desperate. The girl was looking bored. "Oh, oh, oh," the young man thought. "What was the third thing? What... Oh, yes! Philosophy!" "If you had a brother," he asked triumphantly, "would he like noodles?"
  12. A paraspecimens.
  13. Love love love this, frez!
  14. whackamole

    I miss

    I miss being able to ride my bike with one foot on the seat and the other stretched out behind me in an arabesque. I miss being able to hold my breath under water for almost three minutes. I miss being able to do 45 cartwheels in a row without stopping. I miss being unselfconscious.
  15. Oh, guys, thanks and (((()))'s. I'm okay. My bike's okay. Was more of a glance off than a true smack. Slid across the road a bit but didn't get run over. My own damn fault for drinking and riding!
  16. Fortunately and unfortunately, yes, MLQ. Two lovely young men who packed me back up and saw me on my way.
  17. it just involved smashing into a concrete tree planter on my bike. no hospital, just a very bloody elbow and a very bruised leg. though effective, it's not a method i'd recommend. OUCH!! what i want right now is codeine, not nicotine.
  18. Oooh. Haven't seen it but have read THIS, http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/08/04/gut-reaction
  19. One afternoon, an elephant and a mouse met on a track through the forest. After introducing themselves, the mouse asked the elephant, "Why are you so big?" "We elephants," the elephant began grandly, "We elephants have evolved this way. We have become big so that we can scare away all our enemies. We are big so that we can reach the tallest of trees and eat all of the leaves the other animals can't reach. We are big so that nothing can stop us. We can move heavy trunks out of our way so we always have a clear path through the forest." "Oh," said the mouse. There was a pause. "And so?" asked the elephant. "Why are you so small?" "I've been sick," said the mouse.
  20. Oh, Domingo. You naughty mole, you. You know what happens to moles?
  21. It's 3 for me, too. Have dreamt enough about it. Would love to live the dream.
  22. Change of coffee routine seems a really good way to go, dear Abbeh (sorry). You'll be AOK.
  23. One month you say? Then by all means have one of these. Sorry. No kittehs.
  24. HA! :lol22: (i like that one)
  25. I did want to commend the emojis here as well... there are so many emotions represented, I don't even recognise some of them!

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