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Everything posted by whackamole

  1. http://www.buzzfeed.com/tomphillips/medieval-beasts-that-cannot-even-handle-it-right-now
  2. Yeah, sorry! Great to see all those familiar... um... avatars. Hurrah for you all!
  3. Just posting to say Hey. Still NOT smoking... So sorry for you guyz having probs right now. I'm a lucky so-and-so. Back soon! whacka
  4. OMG, Guy! Go away for a while, and look what you miss! If you're out there somewhere, here's something for your yard.
  5. Oh dear. I definitely drink more. Not that I was a big drinker in the first place. But I never drink with smokers because I don't know any... I was the last hold-out. Now, if I lived in England or Ireland, or in a lot of other countries, I think it would be a diiferent story. More like yours, SueBeDoo. But here in Canada, or at least in downtown Toronto, you hardly see smokers, even outside of bars. So, there's little temptation. But, hmmm.... Why am I drinking more? Have to figure that one out, I guess.
  6. And there's no First Class... we're all in Coach together!
  7. hey apeezy. nice to make your acquaintance! there are good emojis here (among other things).
  8. Fingers falling off in the cold from fumbling with a lighter in minus 40 weather plus wind chill. Transitional cell carcinoma, as well. What joy.
  9. Me too. But then I've already had that drugged into meager twitching. Will ask my husband, though.
  10. That's incredible, Marti. I've got an app on my phone and I know in the first few weeks I kept being stunned by it. 234! 367! 453! It didn't seem possible. Multiply that 40 years, it's inconceivable. Over 5000! You MUST celebrate!!
  11. Welcome, floss! So happy to see you here! Let's not smoke and have some fun!
  12. Big Congrats, Rez!
  13. Now, really, Susana. You don't mean that, do you? After all statistics must have played some part in your decision to quit, right? :rolleyes:
  14. I think Champix/Chantix does help some of us, Lucy. None of us are special but all of us are different.
  15. Hey met! You're home from holiday? How's the quit?
  16. Um... Because of their need for frequent depilatory services? You got me on the second one, Ava. It's a mystery.
  17. GMT - 5, n'est-ce pas?
  18. You have your recycling separated into different metals, Kitteh? Do you live at MIT or something?
  19. Will try to make it. But I may be busy digging a hole or something to lie in. Plus my eyes hurt. (whimper)
  20. Oh, for god's sake, Kitteh! Anyone can look on the Internet! That's cheating! I can tell you that those do happen in Canada. But only when the procedures required are only offered in the United States. Conclude your own conclusions.
  21. I have lots. For example, how would you weigh your own head? My challenge to you is either to answer my question, or post one of your own. But really... how would you weigh your own head?
  22. Yup! Thanks MQ, and all you guys. This place is ex-smoker heaven!
  23. Ha ha, Jenny! How clever is that???

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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