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Everything posted by whackamole

  1. PS You guys are so great...
  2. So cool to see you all! And hurrah for the quitters! This OLD DOG for everyone whose big days I've missed... me, I've just shoved some more money into my travel account. It's getting substantial...NOLA in April... http://s1372.photobucket.com/user/whackamole1/media/olddog_zps540306a6.png.html (hope you can see this... I forget how to upload.)
  3. To all you excellent people who have WAY more commitment to being supportive than I could EVER have. Wanna let you know that because of you, I'm so far beyond smoking that it's almost forgotten. Which is actually the main reason I've left this site... Being here just makes me think about it, and crave. Not that I don't occasionally anyway. Like when I read about the smoking habits of one of heroes, Lewis Lapham. Anyhow, I just wanted to say "thanks" to you all (action, Chrysalis...) and wish you the happiest of holidays. Fun happens without cigarettes. Interesting conversations can still be had. xxx Mole.
  4. Here here here in a not very here way. Best smokeless fun to all!
  5. L’shanah Tovah! From the wife of a Jewish cat.
  6. Aw, Doreen. Ya poor, old thing. xxx
  7. From Facebook, you can also do this, if you're a groovy Mac user like me and Doreen. Click on the "Preview" icon. In the "File" menu, click on "Take Screen Shot". Then take a pic of your Facebook pic, and save it. Then, download it to photobucket. Then copy it and paste it here. I figured that out ALL BY MYSELF.
  8. Seems to me that could be a bit, um, smutty, too, Doreen. Okay, Bakon. Be like that. They also call me "Mohawk Alec."
  9. So, I don't know who any of you really are (well, actually I know who one of you is) and you don't know me (well, one of you does). Just for the hell of it, make an anagram of your name (or get a website to do it for you). I am: THE DIM WANDERER (which is fairly accurate much of the time) Who are you? :popcorm2:
  10. One of my favourites.
  11. Apparently, in my usual late-to-the-party way, I missed that "prancersize" has already beome a "meme." As for action seeing more than he wanted to, he is not alone and there is a term for what he saw that I won't repeat here, though it has to do with the end of the foot part of a desert beast of burden.
  12. From "Samuel Beckett Motivational Cat Posters". http://beckittns.tumblr.com/
  13. I would if I could, action figure, but I don't know what to do. Nancy??!!
  14. I'm cuttin the noose and lettin it loose. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-50GjySwew#t=163
  15. From Canada, with love.
  16. That's EXACTLY what is creepy, C. In four short years they have been turned into guitar-playing robots. At what age did it start? And what the hell did they do to them? Give me mediocrity any day. BTW, have you read "The Orphan Master's Son"? Won the Pulitzer a few years back. Doesn't stretch the truth about NK very far. Creepy as all get-out.
  17. What goes "woof woof woof thump"? ? ? ? ? A dog barking its head off.
  18. Ha ha ha, you guys. I got ya. Action, I believe I owed you this one. And Chrysalis, your research skills are remarkable, though I could have told you about the illustrious Kola. Snow Opera Kitsch! This is my all-time favourite music video, by the way, but this one may be second. Creepy? You bet!
  19. Technical difficulties resulted in a delayed broadcast.
  20. Aw you sweet guyz. Thanks!! So sorry I've been MIA. Am pow-wowing with the whales in Cape Breton. Ya sure can't smoke underwater. But I haven't been smoking on land, either. Congrats to all you quitty things, with special hurrahs to beacon and floss (beacon... I meant to send your BD before I left, dammit!). Back soon with something to say about nothing at all. xxx. mole PS Thanks for seeking me out, action man!
  21. Okay. I have 50 people coming over to my house for a party tomorrow night, and I'm doing THIS. Good-bye. Expect to see all sorts of non-coping, non-smoking medieval beasts here by Saturday!
  22. If you think this fish is dealing with this development... WRONG.
  23. This unicorn is, like, SO "GODDAMMIT, MAIDEN." Now, you've got me started, action...

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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