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Glenn In PA

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  1. No butts for me today...NOPE!!
  2. I think the smoking dreams can be a good thing. For me...the dreams give me an opportunity to briefly feel how disappointed I would be about smoking again. Then there is the great feeling when I realize it was only a dream. Have a great day.
  3. No butts for me today...NOPE!
  4. No butts for me today...NOPE!
  5. No butts for me today...NOPE!
  6. Hello Daphne. Cool quit story and congratulations on 20 days. Wohoo.
  7. No butts today...NOPE.
  8. Hello Tracey and thank you for asking. I'm doing OK...I'm a few hours into day number 3 now and have not had any heavy duty cravings. I know they will come, but hopefully reading here and responding to kind folks will help me stay on track. I just don't want fight this battle anymore. I want to be done with cigarettes for good. NOPE.
  9. I tried to switch to vaping a couple of times and that did not go well at all for me. I definitely bought into the idea that it is healthier and believed that I would enjoy it. I figured I could still have the pleasure/crutch of smoking without feeling like crap, stinking like an ashtray and killing myself in the process. For me, vaping made me feel worse than smoking. They do say some percentage of people have a reaction to Propylene Glycol (PG) the primary ingredient in vape juice. The also make it with Vegetable Glycol (VG) and all other kinds of variations. Whatever, besides the fact that it gave me a tingling sensation that felt like something was definitely not right, I just didn't like the flavors and it did not give me the same experience as smoking which I was used to. To each his own I guess. Some people smoke cigarettes some people smoke cigars, some people chew tobacco and now...some people vape. I do have this feeling that at some point down the road, there will be the same kinds of movies about the vaping companies as there are now about the tobacco companies.
  10. NOPE...not today.
  11. Good point Stuart...thanks for that perspective. Thanks babs...I will keep that term "sticky quit" on my mind. I like that.
  12. Good day all. I am pledging NOPE for today.
  13. Hello All. I am new to this forum, but have found a quit smoking forum to be helpful on a previous quit. It was yesterday at 1:20 in the afternoon when I last smoked a cigarette, so I am a little shy of completing day 1. I am 50 years old and I started to smoke when I was 13-14. I have attempted to quit more times than I can count. The majority of those quits have lasted between 18 and 36 hours, In the past, I have had a quit that lasted almost exactly a year and another quit that lasted 20 months, Regardless, this is a new day and a new quit. I have been reading the posts on the site this morning and I am excited about transforming into a non-smoker today. Hopefully, I will get to know some of you along the way. Glenn

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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