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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. Thanks for all the advice and support :)
  2. Thank you all for the warm welcome and all the tips!
  3. Oh man! I'll have to try the ice cube trick!
  4. I love this!
  5. Hi all I just put out my very last cigarette. I had originally quit about 3 months ago but relapsed a week ago. You know what I felt this whole week.. sad! I missed the nonsmoker I was just one week ago... so I'm done! When I originally quit, I started training for a half marathon.. which is only now 2 weeks away... my little relapse won't throw all my hard work off but if I continue down the path.. All the training would be for nothing! My quit plan: cold turkey. I have used the patch in the past but I find it just prolongs the feeling of withdrawal. Cold turkey I hit my peak in 4 to 5 days then it gets significantly better. So for the next week it will be rough but I'll get through it and then can get on with my life. My husband smokes, I asked him to hide his cigarettes so if I want to cheat I have to ask him for one. His response should be (1) nope (2) go online and post an sos (3) get some water and wait I'm a big fan of Alan Carr and think about easy way often. One thing that helps me get through this is telling myself to just get on with life... I need to stop moping and wish for something I hope doesn't happen. Also one cigarette is clearly not ok all it does is create the craving for the next.. so my main motto when thinking about that one is is it worth the next 100 or 1000 cigarettes. It will never just be one for me. I'm holding onto these thoughts for dear life! Wish me luck! Tomorrow I'll be pledging to NOPE
  6. Here!
  7. Hello All - My name is Morgan and I just found this message board. I have been smoking on an off for about 9 years. Since I was 20! I am going to turn 30 in about 6 months and I want this problem in the past before I get there. It is typically like a 1 year on, one year off, etc - I have quit many times for a long period of time... but then one day something will happen and I'll think - I NEED one right now! And I give in because what the hey! I'll never get hooked like the last 2,500 times i have smoked after quitting, said the same thing, and got hooked! :blink: Anyway - I had officially quit on November 9th but then did the scenario above about 2 week ago when I found out my husband (Who was supposed to quit at the same time) - had been cheating and hiding it. I then said I would rather him smoke out in the open then hiding his continuation of the habit and always feeling antsy to leave to do random things - just as an excuse to sneak away. Granted - it isn't really that easy to be a sneaky smoking.. because you SMELL like it.. kind of gives you away. I had just been ignoring it until his anxiety was front and center in all our interactions. BUT although our relationship is better (without the secret cigarette outings) the cigarettes were back in the house and after about a week I caved! I am pretty disappointed in myself - but ultimately i threw myself back into the cycle. It has only been a week or so and I've been having one every few days - but today I am smoking my last and washing my hands of this habit! I am so happy to find this support form! I think the thing I really lack is some true support. For the most part I don't really have too many friends to help me work through this or understand what being a smoker and giving it up is like. I also now find any help from my husband to be a bit hypocritical. Like "you really need to stop smoking!" followed-up with "I'm going outside for a smoke" - it just doesn't really have the same effect! Lol :D So TODAY is my quit day! Thank you all for reading my little blurb - I look forward to interacting with all of you. Thanks! Morgan

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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