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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. Welcome back
  2. YAY! Good work!
  3. Morgan - I am going to break down just a few of your quit smoking points. Think logically about this! - Stop spending money to choke yourself!!! x100 - I am pretty sure there is no bigger time suck or waste of money than cigarettes - think about your health and financial future. - Having a cigarette today just puts you back into your addition - why risk it when you are already free? - There is no such thing as one cigarette - the next time you consider having one, think about the thousands that will follow. - If you can't make this quitting thing work - what is your alternative? Are you going to just smoke the rest of your life?? Seriously, quitting will be hard today, or tomorrow, or 10 years from now - how does putting it off make sense! Plus you are already through the worst of it - why start over now? - Are you in physical pain from this quit? NO! Stop moping and you'll feel better. - Why hope for something you wish wont happen - You've quit smoking, you're not going to smoke again - nothing bad has happened, in fact something GOOD has happened - just get on with your life.
  4. Morgan

    chicks or sticks

  5. Morgan


    Yeah this has helped me greatly. I avidly read Easy Way to help keep me in the mindset! Super redundant, but find myself quoting it in my mind often.
  6. Morgan

    chicks or sticks

  7. Morgan

    chicks or sticks

  8. Morgan


    in conclusion - I do completely understand what you mean at this exact time! :) I'm doing the same thing. But know it gets better with time if you keep your mind in the right place.
  9. Morgan


    I agree with MQ - For me my longest quit was a year and a half. Backstory: I had only been a smoker for 3 years or so, my husband decided to quit and i didn't want to feel like the "jerk" so I quit too. Pretty much without question. - It was a bit hard but overall it wasn't that bad. I think it was just the mindset i had about the whole thing at the time. Plus my hubby did so well and I'm competitive and such, if he didn't give in - i wasn't going to either. SOO 1.5 years down the road - i hardly ever think of smoking... I am sure I've kicked this thing and would never go back - because in the end being a non-smoker is way less stressful. Plus I was quickly becoming a solid, avid, runner. BUT one day on a whim I thought, today I will have just ONE cigarette - surely ill never get hooked again! It has been a year and a half after all! So I went a got some without a second thought. I was hooked again within a few weeks. :angry: In general, I agree with MQ's statement of "I never want to forget that I was a smoker because I fear the day I become complacent is the day I smoke again." Because it is completely true! Just pledge to NOPE forever - in the coming months you'll stop thinking about smoking hardly at all, except for when you want to, for reasons like coming to this board - but the craving will be nearly gone. When you do think about it always think about it with a side of "nope" and protect that quit! just keep plugging along!
  10. Nope for me today!
  11. Yeah midnight a little late for me
  12. My kiddo, my hubby, crossing the finish line in any of my events (running and triathlon), just in general open water swimming (I love swimming to the middle of the lake and just floating... I live in Washington state, nothing weirdo in the water!) Can't wait until June!
  13. Hope your birthday was fabulous!
  14. Awesome, Kendra!
  15. Congrats! Stick to nope! You can do this.
  16. Congrats on deciding to quit again. I am still fresh off my latest relapse so I completely understand. It is such a weird thing disliking so much about smoking but also struggling to quit. It is such a contradictory problem. You will succeed this time! Congrats on the decision to quit!
  17. Congrats on the quit! This board is really helpful. I'm so glad you found it
  18. Ha I mean NOPE
  19. Nioe
  20. Morgan

    chicks or sticks

  21. Welcome to the quit train! You can absolutely do this! I'm glad you found this board. Everyone is very helpful, I am sure they will be along shortly to welcome you!
  22. Morgan

    chicks or sticks


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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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