I agree with MQ -
For me my longest quit was a year and a half. Backstory: I had only been a smoker for 3 years or so, my husband decided to quit and i didn't want to feel like the "jerk" so I quit too. Pretty much without question. - It was a bit hard but overall it wasn't that bad. I think it was just the mindset i had about the whole thing at the time. Plus my hubby did so well and I'm competitive and such, if he didn't give in - i wasn't going to either. SOO 1.5 years down the road - i hardly ever think of smoking... I am sure I've kicked this thing and would never go back - because in the end being a non-smoker is way less stressful. Plus I was quickly becoming a solid, avid, runner.
BUT one day on a whim I thought, today I will have just ONE cigarette - surely ill never get hooked again! It has been a year and a half after all! So I went a got some without a second thought.
I was hooked again within a few weeks. :angry:
In general, I agree with MQ's statement of "I never want to forget that I was a smoker because I fear the day I become complacent is the day I smoke again." Because it is completely true!
Just pledge to NOPE forever - in the coming months you'll stop thinking about smoking hardly at all, except for when you want to, for reasons like coming to this board - but the craving will be nearly gone. When you do think about it always think about it with a side of "nope" and protect that quit!
just keep plugging along!