This time I only made it three weeks, then relapsed the day before the smoking cessation class I signed up for, so starting all over. I'm taking the class and following my homework carefully, including the reading, and then some. I keep reading the first few chapters of our textbook over and over again. And I think last time I didn't read the whole book. Going to do that this time around. Especially since it covers keeping from relapsing and I didn't read it last time. Going to read Allen Carr's book again too. Watch videos again. The whole works. I'm going to make it this time around. Though I'm having trouble coming up with quit reasons this time around. Other than I'm tired of the sore throat I get from smoking. And the numb tongue. And standing out in the heat. Well, that's three... but I had a lot of quit reasons last time around! I don't get why this quit is so much harder than any other one I've had before. I'm turning into a serial quitter. I really don't get it. I made it three months before. How did I fail after three weeks this time? Oh well. Resetting and starting over. Quit date is July 26th. So I'll be smoke free for my second honeymoon on August 3rd and 4th. I know, short for a honeymoon, but it's all we can afford this time around. He has to take a day off to do this as is. But I really don't want to be smoking for it anyway, so I'm going to follow this class closely, do my homework, and especially do my reading.