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Everything posted by sherry

  1. I wish you a wonderful day - stay vigilant!
  2. Morn'n TAC,.. love a good marinara sauce... your's looks delicious ... just wondering about the carrots? .. I've never heard of put'n carrots in.. is this a family recipe, or one of your own creation to become (years from now) a family recipe?
  3. Morn'n Jimmy, Look'n good! :)
  4. Morn'n from rainy North Carolina !!, Nope for me!
  5. I'm sorry sweetie {{{Tracey}}}
  6. Awww, ,.. i am soooo sorry you're have'n to go through this,.. but I am so very happy that you've posted AND that you will stay a non smoker..if you did smoke, not only would it break my heart, my friend, but, i could never offer you my non smoker cookies again... ;) i'm sorry i can't help with the handover, as an "alkey", my solution was to indulge in "hair of the dog that bit me" not good advice... but in reality coffee/ tea, banana, some kind of high carb and protein food is supposed to help. Thank you for not smoking .{{{BIG HUGS}}}
  7. Nope, for me!
  8. 10 months WOO-HOO!! congratulations!! :D
  9. It's going to be a beautiful spring day to be smoke free - N.O.P.E.!!!
  10. LOL!!! Ok Julie, so thats why i've been feel'n like i'm be'n watched!!.. it's been you all along!! :D ..and yep!! I probably will go on a post'n frenzy !!! B) Hey Tracey, lookie, your "problem child's" grown up *giggle*!! Thanks everyone for help'n...... {hugs}
  11. NANCY Thanks, you were right, I dropped from internet explorer, and it works great.. THANKS!!! :D
  12. sherry

    I'm amazed

    Good morning Evelyn, This is wonderful news!!!!! :D.. you can do this, I believe in you!!!
  13. Fantastic job! Congratulations on your 10 months smoke free!!
  14. Awesome job! I'm so very happy for you and your wonderful achievement !!
  15. Congrats on your 6 months Action.. I'm send you a giant cookie (with frost'n - of course :P) and a bottle of your favorite wine.. your so important to us all, thanks for being with us and giving all the support you give. {{BIG HUG!!}} :D
  16. Great job Evelyn! keep going! :D
  17. Super congrats your 6 months smoke free!!
  18. I'm with you Evelyn, no smoking for me today either!
  19. Great job getting past hell week - super CONGRATS!!!! Keep going, you've got this! :D
  20. One month already!! Look at how far you've come!, I'm SOOO happy for you, CONGRATULATIONS!!! :)
  21. you are doing an amazing job!.. keep going, you can do this!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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