A year!! :D ,... looking back it's gone by fast, faster then I ever would have believed that it could.
There were rough days, I ain't gonna lie to ya, but I realize now that those rough times were learning experiences for me. I learned that I'm stronger then I ever gave myself credit for, and thats a new found self confidence no one can take away from me. :D
I learned that there are folks here- "perfect strangers"- I could turn to when I was wanting to give in , wanting to say "ah, one won't hurt" who would stop what they were doing and hold my hand, yell at me, listen to me rant, carry me for awhile or any number of other things I've needed over the year, whatever I needed "right then", I got here... I was never alone, and have'n that support when I needed it is something I'll always treasure. :wub:
I learned that opening up and saying "I could use some help right now" is NOT a sign of weakness,it's a sign of determination - everyone gets tired now and then, EVERYONE.. I'm no exception. :rolleyes:
I learned that because of this board and the experiences/interactions here, there are folks in this world that I'll never have the joy of meeting face to face who call me friend, and I am truly so VERY honored by that...
I learned that there is a whole new world of fun, exciting, interesting things opening up for me.. all because I quit smoking,.. I have the confidence to try things I never would have before... you know that "I'm invincible" feeling we had as teenagers??.. it's kind of like that (well minus the aches and pains that come with age :laugh2: ) but if I can quit smoking what else can I do?... time will tell as I explore my new life..
I've learned that quitting - for me - hasn't been so much "quitting" as it has been GAINING the things I've said above, and so, so, SO much more,..but I didn't know it - the extent of "it" as it was happening... I had to take the time to add it all up, all the parts over the year, to start to really appreciate all I've gained...
So thank you QT for the laughs, the help, the support, the lov, the tears, the hugs, the advice... thank you and massive love to the Lace quit team and to so many others who have been with me behind the
scenes helping me get here- to today, and helping to give me all I've gained this past year, love to you all..
Now,....I have a BOAT LOAD of cookies and Gloopy Gingerbread to go around,.. so what say, we get this party started!!!!!..I'm come'n onto the Lido deck !! :yahoo: :yahoo:
Hugs, lov, cookies ALL AROUND!!!