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Everything posted by sherry

  1. Jen, wonderful post... congratulations on being a new non smoker !!!!!! :D
  2. too funny! :laugh2:
  3. Hi Jen, sorry I'm late to welcome you back,.. but WELCOME!! :D Tomorrows the big day, I'm sooo excited for you! :yahoo:
  4. A very happy CONGRATULATIONS! DD..next month and you're there - on "the big boat"!! :yahoo:
  5. Way to go Jackie!! :D
  6. Congratulations, 19 months is fantastic! :D
  7. 2 months down, you've got this!!
  8. Wonderful job!
  9. Good for you ! Wonderful job! :D
  10. I'm bumping this for the newbies, and myself.. I got the Christmas decorations out to sort thru this morning and kept fighting the urge to go outside and smoke, then I realized, I haven't done this since I quit... I woke up my E.A. but now that I know thats what it was I can brush it off and get to untangling the lights.. (that I swear I had very neatly put away last year *humph*)
  11. I'm sorry I'm late for your sos Evelyn.. glad to see you were able to try and focus on something else..how are you doing now? Is it any better?
  12. Hey Laura, sorry you're having a hard time after 66 days,.. but thats the thing with this addiction, it seems for "no reason" BAM! you're hit with cravings and it's almost like those first few days all over again.. but it will pass - just like the others have said, you just have to hang on,.. getting busy like you've said you'll start to exercise tomorrow, is a great thing for you to do.. change up your routine a bit.. what are your plans for today?
  13. thanks you guys!! :D
  14. Congratulations on your wonderful 8 months free!! :D
  15. you're past hell week and heck week!! :D
  16. Good for you! After 9 months smoke free, I can tell you it will be the best decision you ever make - Hands down. Will I tell you it will be easy? No. Will I tell you it can be easy? Yes. My dad put down his cigs about 20yrs ago and never looked back, for him it was easy, maybe you will be one of those who can just walk away, .... if you're like me, some days will be better than others... but oh sooo worth it!! Some advice, Once you put down your last cig, say to yourself and others "I've quit smoking".. DON'T say "I'm trying to quit"... once you put out that last cig YOU ARE QUIT.. ..unless you light another one and smoke it - you are quit!! ,..own it.. be proud of it.. Don't be afraid to ask for help, support, a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen, whatever it is you need in that moment to get you thru - ask,.. this addiction can be tough,.. but it can be beat, and we are here to help, so let us know what you need. Mark Twain said "It's easy to quit smoking, I've done it a thousand times"... a good number of us here on the QT can say the same, .. we've stopped only to start again,.. until we came here ... here we have the support when we need it, - the laughter and silliness when we need that - distraction when we need that... You can quit today and next year at this time you can be celebrating your one year quit... One way I look at my quit is that it has been a lot like the wheels on the train,...they moaned and groaned and spun wildly as they tried to grip the rail to gain traction at the beginning,.. but slowly it got easier, the wheels took hold, they turned faster as one day turned to another.. I worked hard to move ahead and not look back, .. there where a few "hills" that were hard to climb and to be honest I really thought of taking the easy way out a few times, but I didn't.. I dug deep pushed forward and with encouragement and support from the QT family I made it to the "top of the hill" and then coasted down the other side.. I didn't give up on me..they didn't give up on me... and they/we won't give up on you... Only you can put that cig in your mouth and light it. Only you can decide NOT to light the next one..just that next one ........make that decision and we'll be here to support you ... I promise :)
  17. Congratulation on your 10 months EL B!!! I hope you're off having fun to celebrate your day.
  18. congrats Julie!!! :D
  19. Hey Aine, congratulations on your wonderful 9 months!! :D
  20. CONGRATULATIONS on your fabulous 4 months free!! :D
  21. Oh sweetie I'm sooo very happy for you. I can't begin to thank you enough for being here for myself and so many others as we make our way along the track, your support, your caring, your wisdom, and your ability to make us laugh when we're down have helped me/us in ways I'm sure you'll never know, big hugs lots of love and a full dozen cookies for you my friend :wub: Congratulations hun! {hug}

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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