I can do this
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Hubs would never join a board like this. Not his style. Plus he seems to have had the easiest quit ever. So jealous. So one thing ya'll don't know about me is that I like beer. A lot. And I REALLY like a beer with a smoke. For the first 14 days of my quit I abstained completely. Slowly, I let beer back in my life. Just here or there. I stopped bc even the few times I simply cracked one open the urge to smoke was front and center in my brain. Hubs was happy about the "freebies" I passed his way. Anyhow, tonight was the first night in 6 weeks I was able to sit in my own house and drink a beer without going crazy about going in the garage for a smoke. Still thought of a smoke. But I'm good. Praise God. I've made it through the rain.
I ended up telling a bunch of my friends I hadn't seen in a while yesterday. Tons of positive reinforcement which is so good. Even though I'm struggling at times, I'm so happy hubby and I finally decided to quit.
That's really interesting and helps explain some of these huge cravings I've still been having. And now I am going to reward myself with some ice cream. :)
So last night I found myself with a full pack of Marlboro Lights (my friends pack, not mine) sitting on the table right in front of me. I picked up the pack, opened it, studied the rows of pure white filters, smelled it. Thought YUCK and put it back. This was all while I was a bit tipsy. Today is 5 weeks. I'm really doing this and feeling proud. :)
Thanks for all the encouragement. I haven't had one, and won't. 5 weeks tomorrow. It's another Saturday morning and a smoke was the first thing that popped into my head this morning. Craves are a little less than last Saturday but not much. So crazy that this is the one day of the week I am still really struggling. We have our bowling league tonight. First time we are going since quitting. It was at our bowling league 6 years ago that I decided to become a "social smoker". Ha ha. Smoking, beer and bowling seem to go together. Thankfully, smoking is no longer allowed inside of the bowling alley and its February in Michigan and the thought of standing outside smoking in the freezing cold is not appealing at all. Plus, I don't smoke anymore. :)
Today is my one month anniversary! How do I want to celebrate? A smoke and a beer! Aaaaggggghhhhhhh! Having a celebratory beer, no smoke. Not even e-cig. Even though it sounds good. I now know I'm stronger than the cravings but I just wish they would go away already!!
This happened to me with my last quit. Quit for 3 years, got cocky and decided I was strong enough to be just a "social smoker". That was 6 years ago. I'm convinced my quit was too easy that time, I was pg so just quit and never looked back. I think this quit will stick bc I never want to go through these last few weeks of hell again. I'm sorry your aunt started again
Welcome! I'm new in my quit-4 weeks tomorrow. Still struggling but plugging along. Good luck on Tuesday! You sound like you've prepared yourself well.
Finding Saturday mornings to be very difficult. This is my usual housekeeping time. My usual routine: clean the bathroom, smoke, fold a load of laundry, smoke, load the dishwasher, smoke, etc etc etc. It was hard last Saturday and its just as hard this Saturday. I'll get through it but I want to be PAST it. I'm over smoking. . . Now I just want these ritualistic cravings to be gone!!!! It's annoying!
Sunday will be 4 weeks since my last smoke. Today is 2 weeks since I've used the e-cig. I was thinking this morning that this has been one of the hardest things I've done, esp the mental part. Still having craves that I know are not physical, sometimes really strong ones, but they seem to be getting less frequent. I'm proud of myself and I think that looking back on those first few weeks of hell will keep me quit. My last 2 quits were easy peasy. This one was the exact opposite.
Welcome! I'm new too having quit on 1/3. I have to agree about the alcohol. I've drank alcohol twice since quitting and both times have been rough. The first time I broke down and hit off the e-cig. Last night was the other time and I made it, but it was rough. Also throw those packs out! Too much temptation! Hang in there! 3 weeks in and it's finally starting to get easier.
Last night was tough. I had the devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. The devil was talking LOUD, saying things like "you could probably just have one, you've done so well you deserve just one,", etc. etc. etc. I was 100% romanticizing the smoke. Even when my friend came back inside and was sooooo stinky. Thankfully the angel won out and I didn't cave!! Didn't have the e-cig so that wasn't even an option. I'm so happy with myself today and feel like that was a big battle and I won! I think I've got this!
Another week down. 20 days cig free. 7 days e-cig free. Craving hit hard after work yesterday. Worked through it. Home this morning, cleaning the house. . . This was another time I had a lot so having some craves this morning. Other than these times, I'm doing really well. Don't really even think about. Going out with friends tonight. 2 of the ladies going smoke but they will need to be outside in the freezing cold. I think I can do it. Not even bringing the e-cig with me.
Well, I did not have a real cig but I did have a few hits off the e-cig. Is that considered a relapse? It kept me from turning towards the real thing, which I am happy about. Mad I have to start the nic withdrawals all over again. But glad I didn't cave to a real one. Feeling very confident I'm done with those. I was watching people last night and it just seemed so gross and stinky.
I'm on episode 5. It is so messed up! I'm hoping to watch 6 tonight.
11 days quit. . . Haven't caved to the e-cig and don't plan to. I've been trying to keep busy and it seems to be working. 1st thing in the morning crave has seemed easier, I've thought about it but am able to push it out of my head. Worst crave so far is when I get home from work. That was the one I looked forward to the most. I was out shopping today and this woman was browsing near me and she STUNK! Like she locked herself in her closet and smoked a whole pack. I actually found myself wanting to get away from her and then felt awful wondering if I really smelled that bad. I never really noticed it much before but today it grossed me out. I'm feeling confident that I can make it through tomorrow night. My sister and her boyfriend decided to join us and she was someone I hid my smoking from. I've been out with her lots of times socially and never caved so I'm hoping I don't even think about it.
Hubs quit NYE. He is doing amazing and has even been able to enjoy an adult beverage without being tempted. I've avoided all alcohol and smoking situations since quitting bc I was worried about temptations. We won't be with any other smokers so I would actually need to buy a whole pack to have just one, which I refuse to do. Aside from the fact I quit, they charge $10+/pack there. Yuck! I think I'm making it a bigger deal in my head than it needs to be. I tend to overthink things. If we were doing this last weekend, I don't know if I would have made it. I feel like I have a better grasp heading into this weekend.
Thanks for the welcome! Today is 9 days off cigs, 4 days off the e-cig. All nicotine should be gone, right? Having craves but guessing they are all mental at this point? Trying deep breaths. . . And way too much junk food. I'm a little nervous about Friday night. Hubs and I are going to the casino with some friends. . . Lots of smoking and alcohol there. Gotta face it head on as I can't be a hermit forever.
I've been lurking for a week. Bought my last pack NYE. Had last one morning of 1/3 when I finished the pack. Bought an e-cig to use as a crutch. Tried it a few times and I do not like the way it makes my mouth feel, very odd sensation. I last used it 1x on Friday. Thought about it this morning but it's freezing and I would need to go in the garage so I've skipped it so far. Have eaten 2 large bags of peanut butter cups in a week. I'll probably gain 100 lbs. ;) This is my 3rd quit. First one was with my first pregnancy, quit the second I found out and started back up 3 weeks after birth. Second was second pregnancy. Also quit the second I found out and stayed quit for 3 years. I got cocky and assumed I could just be a social smoker. WRONG! That was 6 years ago. Both of those quits were SO easy. Got the positive test and never looked back. I get so mad at myself bc they were so easy and I was at the point with both quits that I never even thought about it anymore. So I know it absolutely CAN be done. But I was lured into the "I'll just have some tonight. . . " This one is more mentally challenging. I was one of those smokers who would smoke a pack some days and then none for 2 days. Ebbed and flowed with activities and alcohol. I was a semi-closet smoker. Never did it around certain people, including most family and my kids, certain friends or work. I know I CAN drink alcohol without it bc I have in so many different situations but this time my mind is messing with me in that sense. So I've not had any alcohol since NYE bc I don't feel secure yet. DH quit on NYE. It's been pretty easy for him, which makes me very jealous. Anyway, that's my story!