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Everything posted by Humbled

  1. Humbled

    chicks or sticks

    - 7
  2. Humbled

    chicks or sticks

    typo meant - 5 my bad
  3. Humbled

    chicks or sticks

    - 6
  4. Morning all - I'm on the every other weekend shift so I am actually at work :( today. But on the bright side I got out early and it will still be a NOPE day for me :D
  5. Congrats on 9 months that is incredible - you are an inspiration to us all.
  6. Humbled

    chicks or sticks

    - 11
  7. I have to agree with all on here - it is much easier and more fun then I ever imagined - by far the best decision I have made in years - I wish I could go back and talk sense into the idiot that thought smoking at 14 was cool. It feels good to finally be in control again after 25 years of addiction. I will forever be a smoker but I will also forever choose not to smoke another cigarette or take even one more puff. NOPE for me one day at a time.
  8. I am on board for another day of NOPE!
  9. I apologize for being so late today - crazy day at the office - but certainly a NOPE for me!!
  10. Smoking also takes away from being productive at home, at work and in our relationships - how many phone calls have you missed because of a smoke break? How much money has it cost you? How many special moments did you miss with your family because you were outside instead having a nasty little bugger and how many times was a more intimate moment ruined because your breath was so rancid.... there are 1000 horrible things smoking has taken away from all of us but there is one thing that this train has done and that is giving us our lives back!! I say that one victory will certainly cancel out each and every bad things smoking has taken from us. Congrats to all for one more day of NOPE!!
  11. Certainly a NOPE for me today as well.
  12. You and only you have the powere to control if you ever smoke again - stay positive and focused don't let negative outside influences cloud your mindset. Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Lao Tzu
  13. Definite NOPE for me!!
  14. Sorry I'm a little late on this - Welcome aboard Iulia - this is the best train ride you can ever take. I know I would not have gotten past the first hours days or weeks without the inspiration and support from this family. They are all truly amazing and encouraging people. I really do not know what I would have done without them -my guess is I would probably going out for a smoke break right now instead of visiting this post. Stay the course and reach out to all of us if you need any kind of support!
  15. I would be happy to join you for another fun filled and Healthy NOPE Day!
  16. Hello All - I will join you for another day of NOPE!!
  17. Thank you all for the kind words and comments - I appreciate them all. I refuse to let my guard down or get over confident but I do feel great and I haven't found myself thinking about smoking at all - even after a few drinks now I don't get any urge. The Daily NOPE makes it much easier. So Thanks all! Slainte! SueB
  18. Well Played J_D -I will join you guys for today - it's a NOPE for me
  19. I'm on board for another day of NOPE!
  20. Welcome aboard - I was in your shoes not too long ago - I actually got on this site a few days before my planned quit date - needless to say I didn't even make it to my quit date after a few days of reading and browsing this site. The support and warm welcome I recieved was incredible it was a sureal experience. It has only been 2 1/2 weeks but I feel like I have another family already - there are great people on this train. It truly is a one way ticket to a healthier life. The daily NOPE pledge is great daily reminder as well. I plan to keep going hour by hour day by day etc... stay the course you!
  21. Another day another NOPE for me!!
  22. Morning all - I decided that sometimes it is ok to be a quitter - therefore it is a NOPE for me today as well.
  23. I'm on board newly found scratchy throat and all (what's up with that btw) NOPE for me today!
  24. Definitely a NOPE day for me -
  25. Didn't mean to get on here so late today -was at the pool with the kids - dropping them off in a bit won;t get them back til Friday - but today was still a NOPE day for me and will continue to be!!

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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