First of all, I just want to say one thing that I pray brings you some feeling of comfort - you are safe here with us and will be loved like family (you will never be judged or ridiculed or talked down to) The people on this train are amazing and help change lives everyday.
That being said, I am personally proud of you not only for eliminating two very deadly things in your life but for being strong enough and brave enough to share your story with us. You have already taken the most difficult steps with your new life. 3 of the most difficult feelings to live with are Fear, Shame and Guilt - each will consume you in different ways until you face them and or eliminate them. You have done just that. I understand that now you want to feel loved and you are in need of as many hugs as you can get - and that is ok we are here for you and it is normal. My sister was in an abusive marriage I saw the photos etc.. and my heart broke for her every day until she was strong enough to get her divorce and move on. The most important thing however outside of moving on etc.. is finding you again and loving who you are and knowing that the beautiful girl in the mirror deserves real happiness not just a quick fix or a false sense of hope or caring. Here is one of my favorite quotes on happiness - There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.
Once you can achieve happiness with yourself again you will be ready for real love that is reciprocal in nature - that one is my own! Good Luck!