YOU can only lead a horse to water DD - this is a great place to visit once in a while - I just went back and read my post from October - seems so long ago - we may have to share our posts again to hopefully inspire some newbies to do the same - I agree the relapses are out of control - I really hope if someone does find themselves in a bad place that they reach out instead of posting an excuse and then looking for the rest of us to say it's OK it wasn't a big deal - because it is a huge deal.. I have fun everyday of my life but I hold my quit Sacred to me - it's not a joke. So get serious for just 1 minute people and send yourself an SOS response..
Here is mine from October:
Hey Tom - this is your healthier self - remember me and how happy I made you. There is no reason or excuse big enough to throw away your quit. Do you remember how bad your clothes smelled and the time and money you wasted - can you even remember the promise you made to yourself about not letting your children down. Do you recall your first post on this site..... here let me remind you
"25 July 2014 - 09:39 PM
Hi guys! My name is Tom and I am 39 years old and have been smoking for 25 years. I have 3 amazing children who have been asking my to quit smoking for a while now. They are coming back from vacation next week. I have set my quit date for Sunday morning so that they will never see me smoke again. I am truly humbled by everything I have read on this site and I am finally ready to become a non-smoker. I quit for over 1 year at one point but did so for the wrong reasons. Now my goals are very clear and my desire to be smoke-free is not in question. I hope that it is ok that I am 1 1/2 days away and that I do not offend anyone that I am still a smoker for this moment and yet I am on here sharing my intentions. I just felt like this was the place for that kind of support. I have told my closest friends over the last week that they will no longer have to out up with my bad habit after tomorrow night and they are waiting to see if I can follow through. I know I will and I look forward to sharing ,y 1st hour, week, month and year etc in doing so. Anyway, that is who I am and this is what I have decided to do. I admire all of you and look forward to being where you are soon enough!'
There you go - do you ever want to go back and start over - no I didn't think so - be proud of your accomplishments and rely on your QT family to pull your head out of your arse if you find yourself in a bad way.