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Everything posted by Cookie36

  1. Thanks guys - I didn't give in- your msgs kept me going- this is why I love this board!! Pretty busy here getting ready for the funeral but just wanted to check in to say thanks :) xx
  2. Bit drunk. My mum's funeral tomorrow. For the first time in 10 days since I quit...enormous craving...help?!
  3. Awww thanks so much guys!! That came at the best time because it's Saturday evening...I have a drink in my hand (wine ) ...I'm stressed out if I'm honest...and for the first time this week I have a real proper urge to smoke...or at least get my vape (electronic cigarette) out But!! I'm not going to. Because yes it's been a week and what a failure if I gave in now. I love this board! The support is amazing. I promise to post more. It's really helping keeping me going. If you guys all did it I figure I can too I do have a quick q. I am feeling a bit heavier this week. With some seriously bad tummy aches. Normal?! i've definitely eaten more than usual ...replacing the cigarettes with snacks maybe?! Xx
  4. Aw thanks bumbleb
  5. Thank you beacon. I'm so sorry about your mum ..but 2 years no smoking...that's fantastic!!! You are right about the drinking!! At least socially. I have cancelled most social events until the new year. Drinking at home is ok as much less temptation...although it is still there.....
  6. Sorry been a bit AWOL. So much stuff to do for my mum's funeral
  7. Cookie?? Do you mean me?! I'm still here!! 6 days smoke free...but tonight is vodka night and that normally means smoking...11.18pm & I'm staying strong though...just!! Arghhhhh!! Xx
  8. Hi guys, sorry been quiet but so much funeral planning to do. All your tips & advice have been amazing. Day 5 with no smoking now. I haven't had any alcohol yet though which I know will be the real test. The Allen Carr book is fantastic!! Xx
  9. Thanks so much for the support!! So far so good...4pm here and no cigarettes all day...although huge pangs of jealousy when driving past pubs and seeing people smoking outside...although what am I jealous of really?! Them being freezing and miserable like I used to be?! :)
  10. Thank you guys
  11. Hi everyone. My mum died on Tuesday from lung cancer (although it spread pretty much everywhere). I've been an on/off smoker for 16 years but it's got really bad in the last 7 months whilst my mum was fighting this illness. She would have been horrified to know that I'm a smoker. I absolutely have to quit, not just for me, but for her. But I'm grieving and I know it's going to be hard. I'm going to do it though! Tomorrow is the day

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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