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Everything posted by Dentalfloss

  1. A huge thanks to all of you guys.
  2. Keep it up!!
  3. Happy birthday!!
  4. (((Doreen and tony))))
  5. what beautiful girls you have joe. You should be very proud.
  6. Congrats
  7. Great job!!
  8. I'm gonna have to vote for myself. Sorry nancy
  9. Is that a threat? I Gotta warn you. I'm little but I'm wiry. ;)
  10. For a little extra money I can get you back stage passes.
  11. Congrats!
  12. I was worried that I couldn't quit. I never really tried before. I was also worried that I'd always crave and think about cigarettes. I'm only 5 months in and so far neither is true. I was also worried that id be bored without them but I find things to do without really trying. I was also worried about handling emotions without them. This fear took a little longer to over come but I find even if my mind does wander to the thought of smoking, it's a lot easier than I thought to dismiss. For me, finally getting the guts to Atleast try to quit Got the ball rolling. Then I dealt with each fear as they arose. Am I afraid of replaspe? I was very early on but since I figured out there are no emotions, events or circumstances besides myself choosing to light and smoke one that can make me relapse I no longer fear it.
  13. Nancy and I get a portion of the profits ;)
  14. Aren't we gonna be the next couple?
  15. congrats!!
  16. Happy birthday!!
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. Great job. You know the drill. :) Emotions are usually strong triggers no matter how you quit and they are a bitch to deal with but it gets better.
  19. Great Job!
  20. She wont be walking anywhere in those boots. I'm betting when she wears those shes on her back.
  21. DAYUMM! Me like.
  22. Good job!
  23. Awesome !

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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