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Everything posted by Dentalfloss

  1. Happy Birthday!!!
  2. Awesome job!
  3. Keep going!!!
  4. Any medicine can be dangerous! Look at all the lawsuits against big pharma.
  5. Way to go!!
  6. Awesome job!
  7. Happy 2nd anniversary! Great job!!!
  8. (((((((((((((((Sarah)))))))))))))))) You got rid of two terrible things in your life. Be proud of yourself. I know I am proud of you.
  9. Thank you everyone! Today has been better. I've been busy all day so I'm sure it helped. I sure am glad I have you guys to help me through. I'm sure I would have been back to smoking if it weren't for this board and all you wonderful people.
  10. Thanks everyone :wub:
  11. Awesome! Happy 1 year!!!!!
  12. Happy 2 weeks!
  13. Thanks everyone. You guys sure are supportive. I read thru my quit journal and I had one other day similar to today a while back. I made it thru then and I will make it thru today. I don't want to start over.
  14. I've read about no mans land. It may be that. It may be a rough day. Who knows. Either way it's not fun.
  15. Where did whack go?
  16. Yep. I'm still here. I'm home now and still feeling the same. It's ok tho. I'll make it thru. It's kind of a relief to know its normal even at 2 months. It's weird how just know others are going thru or have been thru what you have can ease your mind. Smoking sucks. Too bad I ( we) didn't listen others when we started smoking. Thanks for asking :)
  17. I sure hope it's better. I am at the library now reading quit smoking books. Actually I'm at the library talking to you guys cuz I really don't feel like reading. I skimmed thru a few books but can't get Into reading tonight. Kinda sucks that I feel this way on my 2 month anni.
  18. Awesome job!
  19. I don't know what's going on. I wish it were easy to identity so I could fix it. I've been doubting myself all day. I hate this feeling.
  20. Today has been really weird. I am 2 months in and its a really bad day. I have been doubting my ability to keep this quit long term. I cant shake that nervous feeling and its concerning me. I am worried. Is it normal to have days like this 2 months in?
  21. I will make you feel better. When I was 17 years old I had an ovarian cyst rupture and bleed for several days before I went to the er for severe abdominal pain. It bled long enough for my appendix to become infected and they had to do emergency surgery for the cysts and the appendix. I made it out safe with only a 1 inch scar on my stomach and I went on to have 2 kids so I didn't have any problems from the cysts either. She will be fine. I am giving you positive thoughts for a speedy recovery.
  22. What's funny is that sometimes I can smell a smoker and sometimes I can't. Even on people I know smoke. Weird
  23. Here. shopping today!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Like new arrivals at a nude beach, new quitters dont know what to do with their hands ;)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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