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Everything posted by Dentalfloss

  1. Awesome job!
  2. What about a piece of fruit or a small dessert? I did a little bit of all the things already suggested.
  3. Great job !
  4. Awesome!
  5. Congrats
  6. Congrats!
  7. Good advice. Although I'm sure it would be very hard to watch, it might be a good image to have in your head.
  8. Lollipop Favorite time of year
  9. My appetite has finally settled somewhat and I'm 3 months in but I do eat way more than I did pre quit. I decided early on to make healthier choices. I try to eat fresh fruits and vegis when I'm mindlessly eating. That doesn't mean I deny myself chips or candy but only in moderation.
  10. Great job!
  11. When you are craving and really want a cigarette: Yes you really want a cigarette. One cigarette that will end your craves. But remember, that one cigarette won't end your cravings forever, it will only relieve your craves for a few minutes. So yes, you want that one good cigarette but do you really want the 1000's that go with that one cigarette? Cigarettes don't travel alone. They come in packs...
  12. This is good advice. Come hear to rant, rave, cry, whine, throw fire darts with your eyes (or ice darts if preferred) and dont feel bad ~ we MUST release our feelings to be safe from the nicodemon ~ remember, he's tricky and the first opportunity to snag us back he will.
  13. Home Sweet Home. What are you doing right now?
  14. http://quitsmoking.about.com/od/cravingsandurges/f/IMissSmoking.htm Will i miss smoking forever link.
  15. http://quitsmoking.about.com › ... › Smoking Cessation › How to Quit Smoking Developing the will to quit.
  16. Gonna have to read that someday. :wink:
  17. http://quitsmoking.about.com/od/healingthemind/f/therightmindset.htm I hope I'm allowed to post this link here. If not I apologize and please delete it.
  18. Chrysalis mentioned adding more helpful content and I agree. Anything we can do to help newbies or seasoned quitters who are going through a rough patch would be appreciated. I hope we can all ban together and post a link, post, or quote etc... That struck a cord with us when we were struggling. What do you say? Anyone else wanna join me in this task?
  19. I've seen him live. I swear he was high as a kite that night.
  20. Great job. Happy 1 month !
  21. Happy birthday!
  22. It really does get better. Your early days (weeks, months) are like a rollercoaster. Ups, downs, twists, turns, lots of screaming and crying but at some point the ride will come to a stop and it will get better. It is a slow and semi steady recovery. Some days you may feel like you have it licked and other days you may question why you quit in the first place. Hold steady to those "good days" because they get you through the "bad days" and soon your good days out number your bad days until you quit having bad days at all.
  23. well done.
  24. How sweet. Congrats!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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