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Everything posted by johnny5

  1. Congratulations on 4 months smoke free, Kel. You are doing great
  2. Congratulations on 4 years smoke free, @catlover Awesome job!
  3. Welcome back, @Kdad I'm sorry you quit but I'm glad you are back. I can tell you from first-hand experience that the cycle you are in, quit/relapse/quit/relapse really sucks. It is torture. You are miserable when you are smoking and you know you need to quit and that you would be better off if you quit. You quit for a certain amount of time, keep thinking about smoking, and eventually relapse. The thing you need to do is quit and quit for good. In fact, I think I may have said this exact thing the last time you came back from a relapse. Time to quit for good and quit torturing yourself. You may struggle early on but you'll be much better off long-term. Remember and believe the fact that smoking does absolutely nothing positive for you. All the supposed benefits to smoking are lies. There is no downside to quitting but there are tons of downsides to staying a smoker. Stick close to this site. Pledge NOPE (Not One Puff Ever) daily and mean it. Reach out for help BEFORE you smoke. Read up on info about nicotine addiction here. Time to quit, @Kdad You can do this.
  4. NOPE!
  5. NOPE!
  6. NOPE!
  7. Congratulations on 5 years smoke free, @reciprocity I hope you celebrate and also stop by and let us know how things are going.
  8. NOPE - Not One Puff Ever
  9. Ticker works and looks good. Take pride in the time since you last smoked. Things will get better, even with coming off of the gum. You are doing a great thing.
  10. Welcome @gum_addict and congratulations on 21 days smoke free. I didn't quit by gum but I know a lot of people here did quit by a nicotine replacement treatment such as gum and they did quit the gum with time. You are doing a great thing in quitting smoking and being concerned about the gum.
  11. Congratulations @intoxicated yoda. You are doing awesome
  12. NOPE!
  13. NOPE!
  14. NOPE!
  15. That's awesome, @Sal Congratulations to both you and your wife. Keep up the awesome work!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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