Welcome @LoriB You are doing a great thing in quitting vaping and you did a great thing in quitting smoking several years ago. I am sorry for your health scare and i hope things get better.
My last year or two as a smoker, I tried to quit by switching to vaping and e-cigs, thinking that it was somehow better than smoking regular tobacco cigarettes. I made three misguided attempts to switch over, each lasting a few weeks, and I grew to think I was actually vaping more than I was smoking. I actually got weird feelings in my gums and sharp headaches that I didn't experience with smoking. It would not surprise me if sometime down the line , it is determined that vaping is just as bad, if not worse, than regular smoking.....that is just my opinion.
Anyway, it is best to leave both the vapes and smokes behind.
I am sorry to hear about your potential layoff from your job in the upcoming months but vaping, or smoking, will not make anything better.
Stick around this site and continue to reach our for help when you need it. I am not going to ask who your bother in law is (unless you care to share) but he made a good decision in recommendiing you to come here. We are a somewhat odd bunch but we really belive in helping others kick the nicotine habit once and for all. Life is much better without nicotine.