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Everything posted by johnny5

  1. Those are great pictures. Thanks for sharing!
  2. I am sure your doctor will be happy that you have quit and it will feel great to tell him the awesome news. I hope all goes well with your doctor's appointment and keep up the great work!
  3. Congratulations Leanna! That is an awesome quit!
  4. NOPE - smoking sucks!
  5. johnny5

    chicks or sticks

    1 @Sazerac I haven't seen Wallace and Gromit in a long time but it is really funny. Check it out if you get the chance.
  6. NOPE - I don't smoke anymore.
  7. Juan, I'm happy you keep trying to quit. It is clear that you know life is better as a non-smoker. Still, those first few hours and days are really tough. Once you make it through them, things slowly get better. With time, a lot better. Do yourself a favor. Commit to never taking another puff (NOPE) and, if you are struggling and tempted to light up, reach out here first and post an SOS. You can do this. It is tough early on but quitting is very doable. The long term rewards to a smoke free life are worth the early struggles. You just have to commit to NOPE.
  8. NOPE - I don't smoke anymore.
  9. NOPE - Smoking sucks!
  10. johnny5

    chicks or sticks

  11. Allen Carr was very instrumental in my quit as well. It help me focus on how smokers smoke because they are feeding an addiction. The book made me question if I really enjoyed the act of smoking. It is possible I did early on but I grew to hate it in my past few years as a smoker. There is a chapter in that book titled, "The Advantages of Being a Smoker" and it is a blank page. There are really no positives to smoking at all. There are a lot of positives to quitting though. Once I realized that smoking offered nothing positive for me and quitting offered a much better life, it really helped me quit for good.
  12. Keep NOPEing, Juan. Realize that smoking is not an option and you are well on your way to a smoke free life.
  13. Congratulations Beacon! That is awesome!
  14. Congratulations NoNicChick!
  15. NOPE! Happy Friday, everybody!
  16. NOPE!
  17. NOPE!!
  18. Congratulations Matt. That first month is the toughest. Keep up the great work!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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