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Everything posted by johnny5

  1. Hey Kate, What good would come out of smoking a cigarette? It would just stress you out and depress you more than you currently are. You are almost three months smoke free. That is a huge accomplishment. You are changing your life for the better. The things you are worrying about are things you really can't control. But you can control your quit. Most of us are going through some scary times and I realize you are on the front lines and experiencing more stress than most. However, a lot of people appreciate folks in your situation and are grateful for what people like you are doing. Anyway, as tough as things may be, do not let that influence you into giving up your quit. Do not ever let external issues threaten your quit. Cristobal has a classic post about this. I hope you realize that staying smoke free is the best thing. Lighting up will not accomplish anything good whatsoever.
  2. NOPE - Smoking sucks!
  3. Here are my 30,105 unsmoked cigarettes. Good riddance.
  4. Great job, Sunshine! Keep up the awesome work!
  5. Congratulations Jane! 3 years smoke free is awesome. I hope you do something to celebrate today.
  6. Welcome aboard, @pixiedust You are doing a great thing by quitting smoking. Knowledge and support can really help you quit smoking and you will find plenty of both at this site. It is good to have you here.
  7. Congratulations on 6 weeks smoke free @Amierouge Keep up the great work!
  8. Social Distancing (ignore the smoking in this video)
  9. NOPE - Smoking sucks!
  10. Welcome back, Morgan. I'm sorry to hear about your relapse but am glad you are quitting again. Adhere to never taking another puff (or Not One Puff Ever - NOPE) and you will not have to go through these early days again. Stick around. There is a lot of support you can get here to help you quit for good.
  11. NOPE - Not One Puff Ever. Please pledge to not smoke today. Life is much better without being under the control of nicotine.
  12. Congratulations @dullyboi on your first month of freedom. That first month is the toughest. Keep up the awesome work!
  13. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.
  14. NOPE
  15. Great news, Chris! I'm glad you are Covid free.
  16. I'm really sorry to hear this. Get well soon, @Cbdave
  17. Congratulations on 2 weeks of freedom, @Mona

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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