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Everything posted by johnny5

  1. Great job on tossing out the vapes @idontsmoke That ticker is a bit tricky. I think the info is here https://www.quittrain.com/tickers/ If the info on that link doesn't help, I'm sure someone more knowledgeable about tickers will chime in soon.
  2. Congratulations on 4 years smoke free @G67 Great job, man!
  3. NOPE - Not One Puff Ever
  4. Bull Durham Major League Caddyshack Any Given Sunday Bad News Bears (the original 1970's one with Walter Matthau...quite politically incorrect) These are just a few that immediately came to mind. I'm not saying the are the best but they are entertaining.
  5. johnny5

    See Ya Later

    So sorry to read this, Boo, but I definitely understand. Thanks for all the support, humor, music, wisdom, and other contributions that you added to this place. I do hope you still check in from time to time. Take care I hope all remains well with you and your family.
  6. I smoked for about 20 years, starting at age 18. I can't remember the last time I seriously was tempted to smoke a cigarette but the occasional thought does enter my mind from time to time. It is easy to knock that thought out of my mind now though. I echo a lot of what the other posters here said, though. I may not crave cigarettes anymore but I know that would change if I lit up and took one puff. I know I would immediately go back to craving another cigarette, then another one, then another one, etc. I know this from previous, much shorter quit attempts that I failed at. Therefore, I know I cannot take another puff. I'm not sure if my mind is as "normal" as it was when I was 18 (if I was even normal then) but I know that it is NOT normal to inhale nicotine into your body. Things do get better with time but there is no concrete time frame for every quitter. Each quitter's experience getting back to "normal" varies greatly.
  7. You are doing great @Nana20 and a lot of this is normal for someone in the early stages of their quit. Keep up the awesome work. Things will get much better.
  8. Welcome to the site, @idontsmoke You are doing a great thing getting rid of the vapes. Stick around this site. There is a lot of support and knowledge you can get to help you on your quest for a life without nicotine.
  9. NOPE Congrats on 7 weeks smoke free, @Mona
  10. Congratulations on 4 years smoke free @Biggie
  11. Congratulations on 8 years smoke free, @greenlight
  12. Awesome work, John. Congratulations on your first week smoke free. Do something to celebrate today.
  13. Congratulations on 5 years smoke free, @Rajag That is awesome!
  14. You are doing great, Jeff. Congratulations on a great start to your quit.
  15. Great plan. Stick close to this site and take it one day/hour/minute at a time. You can do this!
  16. Keep up the great work, John!

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