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Everything posted by johnny5

  1. NOPE!
  2. Nope
  3. The reason why is because you are a nicotine addict. It is both a physical and psychological addiction. It is believed that the physical addiction to nicotine ends after the first three days. The psychological addiction is a lot less predictable. It takes a lot longer to adjust to smoke free living and deal with whatever triggers life throws your way. I don't know what trigger was sent your way but you need to learn to fight through it. Please believe that you do have another quit in you. Reach out and post an SOS here if you are about to smoke. Quitting smoking might be tough but it is very doable. And it is worth fighting through struggles like this.
  4. NOPE
  5. I did not quit by using the patch but a lot of successful quitters did. If you doctor says it is ok, I think it is fine. I would definitely listen to the advice given by other posters in this thread. The goal is to become a nonsmoker and the patch is definitely a legitimate way to go. You are doing a great thing by quitting smoking.
  6. Welcome to our site, Pedro. Joel's videos are good. Keep watching them. I also suggest reading Allen Carr's "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking." You can probably find it free on the internet or buy a personal paperback copy (I did that and recommend it) I'm not saying that his book makes quitting easy but it does give a good perspective on quitting smoking. A lot of what I read from that book helped me tremendously. It has helped a lot of others as well. Stick around this site. Keep reading the posts about quitting smoking and reach out if you are struggling. I quit at age 39. You are doing great by quitting at 30. An online support group like this really helped me quit for good. Stick around. I hope this place can help you too.
  7. Congratulations on 7 years smoke free, Beacon. That is awesome!
  8. NOPE!
  9. This is a great post Kate. I started to re-evaluate other parts of my life after I really felt confident in having quit smoking for good. Quitting smoking can definitely give you the strength to tackle other things you didn't think you could do when living under the dark cloud of addiction.
  10. NOPE!
  11. Congratulations on 5 months smoke free, Mac. Thanks for all that you do to help others with their quits here. Keep up the great work!
  12. You are doing great, Steven. Congratulations on 1 month smoke free!
  13. Nope
  14. Congratulations on your first week smoke free Layla! You are doing awesome!
  15. Wishing you and your husband the best, Linda.
  16. You are doing great @Midmale A positive attitude and understanding addiction really helps in quitting. Keep up the great work.
  17. Jill said it perfectly, @Layla You are doing this. Just keep going pushing through these ups and downs. Most quitters go through this. It is worth the early struggles. Keep up the great work.
  18. Congratulations on 3 months smoke free. Keep up the awesome work!
  19. NOPE!
  20. Congratulations on 1/4 year smoke free, @JohnQ Keep up the awesome work!
  21. Who? Me? Yeah, I'm here.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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